Chapter One

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A/N: Hey, guys. This is gonna be a short story, maybe about ten chapters or so. Let's just see how it goes. No smut in this chapter, this is just setting the story up and stuff.
By the way, I'm having trouble finding time for updating anything lately but I'm gonna start putting time aside just for writing (starting now) so my schedule doesn't get all fucked up, haha.

*Kellin's POV*

I awoke in my bed to the sunlight steaming in the window and the birds chirping in the spring air. Most people would say that's the perfect way to wake up, even a beautiful one, but to be quite honest, I would give almost anything for the sun to just go away and someone to shoot the damn birds, or just tranquillise them. Whatever shuts them up and let's me get a little more sleep. I lay there on my side waiting for the gun shots that would never come and looked at the clock.


This seems like a reasonable enough time to drag myself from my bed. I yawned and stretched my arms to my side, noticing immediately the empty space beside me. As usual, Vic, my boyfriend of 2 years, had gotten up to avoid me.

Now, it's hard to put a precise date to when all this animosity started between us, but if I had to guess, I think for me it was a few months ago when we moved in together and our sex life depleted.

I know what you're thinking; 'a relationship isn't just about sex'. I know this, and our relationship, I assure you, was never like that. This is really cliché to say but, for me, sex was about being close to Vic; a way to be personal on a whole new level.
But, since that stopped, things have just... dissipated.

I sighed and got up, getting dressed and doing my daily morning routine before I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to prepare myself some food for the long day ahead of me.

I headed for the kitchen to see toast, bacon and eggs prepared on a plate in the middle of the table. Vic was nowhere in sight, so I shrugged and grabbed a plate. After putting some on my plate, about to stuff my face, Vic walked in, freezing in his tracks and glowered at me.

"That's my food." He said in a deadly calm way. I merely rolled my eyes.

"I'm sooo sorry." I replied sarcastically. "Here, finish it. I'm going to see Frank, I'll be back later."

He mumbled something along the lines of 'of course you are' as I stood from my seat and walked past him, bumping into his shoulder on the way out.
I slipped on my black toms and grabbed my car keys, walking to the door.

I sighed again as I placed my hand on the door handle, turning to look at my boyfriend. Could I even call him that anymore? I watched him standing in the doorway with a sense of sadness and longing feeling in my heart. Yes, I was bitter towards him but, honestly, I couldn't love him more if I tried.

"Bye, Vic." I said quietly. He only scoffed in return, walking further into the kitchen. With yet another sigh I exited the house and hopped into my car, making the short journey to Frank, my best friend and his fiancé Gerard's house.

I needed to talk to someone about all this, and who better than a couple who had been to hell and back? I had no idea how they sorted out all the shit that's went down between them, but I need to know so I can try it with Vic, just to see if it works... and if it doesn't? Then I have no idea how we're gonna stay together.

I cut off from my thoughts just as I pulled up in their driveway and parked. They only lived a few streets away, which was nice; I could see my best friend more often than some, and boy did I need him at times like these.
I hopped out the car, practically running to the doorway and walking right in. I've been friends with Frank long enough that I'm welcome to barge in at any given time; I even have a spare key.

"Frank, Gerard?" I called into the seemingly empty house. It couldn't be empty though, both their cars were there and the door was unlocked.
I walked further into the house, walking down the hall and peering into the living room, kitchen and downstairs bathroom on the way before I stopped at the stairs.

"Hey, are you's up there?" I shouted into the dimly lit staircase.

I heard footsteps coming from upstairs, probably the bedroom, before Frank's head appeared at the top of the top.

"Hey Kells." He said in a hushed tone. "Gimme a min to get dressed, okay? Go wait in the living room." After that he quickly disappeared.

I nodded to myself and made my way into said room, sitting down on the comfortable sofa and waiting patiently.
A few minutes of shuffling about and footsteps treading around, Frank finally joined me.

"Hey, sorry I wasn't up earlier." He said as he entered the room. "I did set my alarm but I must have slept through it. Kind of a long night." He had a small smile on his face as he glanced back towards the hallway before sitting on the couch beside me.

"It's okay, I don't mind." I replied with a smirk, knowing immediately what he was getting at.

"So, what brings you here then?" Frank asked with a smile, the question making mine drop significantly.
I let out a sigh as I thought about me and Vic, or rather, me without Vic. There wasn't really a me and Vic anymore...

"Let me guess; boyfriend troubles again?" He asked, but it sounded more like a statement.

"Yep, bang on. For the most part anyway..."

Frank tilted his head to the side, silently telling me to go on.

"I'm not sure I can even call us boyfriends anymore. It's like we hate each other, and I don't know what to do about it. I feel like we're both just waiting for the other to crack and break it off."

"Is that what you want to happen?" Frank asked but he already knew the answer. I swallowed the quickly forming lump in my throat and looked at him with a pain filled expression.

"Of course not, I love him more than anything!" I replied a little more defensively than I would have hoped; I didn't want to sound rude.

"Well, you've spoke to me about you and Vic before so I think I know what to do to get you's back on track." He said with a knowing smile.

I became fully alert and the lump in my throat vanished in a second as I was filled to the core with confusion, excitement and a bit skepticism.

"What do I need to do?" I asked my best friend eagerly, but he didn't answer he just got up off of the couch and ran upstairs. "Frank?" I called out in utter confusion.

I sat there awkwardly, completely bewildered for about ten minutes. I felt so lost. Just- what? He tells me he knows how to fix my relationship and then runs off upstairs? Without any advice?

"Right, come on!" Frank said from the living room doorway, suddenly there. He was now joined by a sleepy looking Gerard who was glaring slightly at his fiancée. "Let's go and get your boyfriend back. I assume he's home, yes?"

"I, uh-... yes? Wait, what? Why?" I think it was safe to say that I was the only one that had no clue what was going on right now.

"We're going, come on!" Frank said, ignoring my question.

I carefully made my way off of the couch and towards the two men.

What on earth has he got planned?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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