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Special thanks to MallinePooran for helping me get this book out there. Thanks love


Jenna startled awake. That same damn nightmare again. Once in a while, it would just show up in her dreams turning wonderful scenes to horror ones. Looking at her bedside clock she noticed her alarm hadn't gone off yet and she smiled to herself. Today had to be a good day because her eyes had pried themselves open willingly earlier than the usual time. She would go to bed early and wake up late because, well, because she could. There was a time she didn't even have a roof over her head and such situations made you learn how to appreciate life. The world wasn't going to be nice to you because you were young or vulnerable. It wasn't going to say 'Let's let her grow up and learn how to take care of herself first before we throw shit her way'. No way. Life gave you whatever it felt like giving you despite your age, race, social status, hair color, eyes and all that. You get what you get. If you're lucky you'll live a comfortable, sheltered life. If you're not then well, shit. Figure it out yourself.

And Jenna was one of those people who figured it out themselves. It wasn't easy but by being where she was at that moment it only meant one thing. That she had made it. She had plowed her way through the pile of shit life had dumped on her head and she had truly made it. So every morning she tried to wake up early, the main word here being 'try', and she laughed. A real laugh that told life to shove it because even though it was unfair to her she had pulled through and came out on the top.

Today was extra special though. Jenna swung her legs over the bed and just sat there. If anyone had walked in and found her just sitting without even blinking they would have thought she was still asleep. But she knew she wasn't. She just wanted to sit there and wait for her alarm to start ringing so that she could smugly turn it off. It was her way of telling everyone out there who was listening that she had accomplished something new. Of course in the back of her mind, she knew it was stupid but she didn't care. To her, every little thing counted.

If she got any extra tips, she would share half of it with the beggars on the street. If she happened to see some kid looking through the window at all the nice arrangement they had at the bakery, she would sneak them something sweet. All the little things and random acts of kindness always meant something to her. Because she knew what it was like to have nothing. She knew what it was like to beg for money on the streets and have people sneer and push you aside like you were just nothing. She knew what it was like to feel like the breaths you were taking were your last ones. To be on the brink of death. And it wasn't a nice feeling. It wasn't something she wanted to experience again. So she helped whenever she could and rejoiced in her accomplishments, however little.

Jenna didn't give the alarm time to ring. The moment her clock hit 5:30 she pressed the stop button. Doing her victory dance that lasted for ten seconds and looked like she was having a seizure, she put on her running gear and went on her morning run. She lived in one of those small apartments in Manhattan and that early in the morning there always a dozen people she passed. She didn't mind being out in the dark alone because she felt safe. With all the lights outside, she was confident no one would try to mug her or do something. Besides people never really slept. Some businesses were already open.

After her morning run, she went through her normal routine. Something else she rejoiced in. Shower then breakfast before she changed and left for work. She didn't trust herself to dress before eating because she was a clutz. Many are the times she had to change again due to spilling coffee on herself. Checking her purse, she made sure she had everything then began her short walk to work. The bakery where she worked was a few blocks away and today she actually walked instead of running. She looked around the tall buildings and the people hurrying to get to their destinations and felt happy.

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