Chapter 1: Escape from the Crystal Empire

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In the castle of the crystal empire their was the queen of the crystal empire giving birth to her sixlets of children all born on the same day. The first born of her pregnecy was Her new daughter Spectrum Dash. The second one was Dark Sparkle. The third was Shadow Gem. The fourth was Moonlight Apple.The fivth was Sunny Shy. The last one was Dianne Pie. Those 6 were her favorite daughters. But when the 6 were 1 year old their mother and farther were arguing about stuff when their father said " I will not have them learn the ways of the light Celestia so that they can just defeat me in 1,000 years." So before she can do anything about that he teleported her to canterlot castle. Then he turned to his daughters and he said " Come children i will teach you how to hold on to the shadows."

15 years later~

So the 6 daughters of King Sombra were in their room and talking to each other till Dash said " We have to get out of here girls i don't like dad i miss mom and i wish we can see aunt luna again but we can't we have to get to canterlot castle now sisters." So they all nodded and they focused their magic into their horns,wings, and hooves then they all disappeared then reappeared in the castle looking at their mother and aunt. They both turned around and looked straight into their eyes and then they noticed it was Celestia's Daughters then all 6 of them said " We need your help mother." Then Twilight/Dark said "You see dad is making us do things we don't like to do he even got rid of our friends and he is making us toture them and he keeps locking us in our room amd disableing our magic and he keeps tugging on Sunny and Spectrum's wings and tearing out their feathers. Show them your wings Sunny and Spect." When the two flyers showed their wings to their mom and aunt the two gasped their wings were in bad shape and every time they would hold it they would pit their lip to keep the groan of pain down. But they where trying so hard not to cry, then Spectrum said " Yesterday when dad called for me and sunny and we were in the thrown room he grabbed both our wings and roke the bone in them and then he slowed down my Rainbow magic by alot and i eneded up collapsing because of it but then he...he grabbed my hoove and...and he tied my wing to it but when i was gone i was limping because of the pain and Sunny helped me get to the room. Then it disappeared then out of nowhere something tied  wings and took one of my feathers and sprayed it with dark magic but before it took effect i cured it with a rainbow spell but the feather never returned to the cyan color just stayed rainbow colored the whole time." When the 7 looked closely they saw the rainbow feather still kn her wing but when she flaped her wings she didn't cry out in pain just a confused face plasted on her face took place. Then when she flapped her other wing she got a rainbow feather on her other wing then when she flaped both wings together all her feathers turned rainbow looking then out of nowhere a rainbow zoomed over her head and it made a crown then it landed oon her head and she saw the rainbow and loyalty kingdom looking for their new princess but the kingdom is covered in shadows and then she felt the rainbows all around her and she began to spin and everything turned into a rainbow. When she landed she couldn't open her eyes because they hurt and when she did she started to fly and then she landed and she looked at her wings they were a rainbow and so was her body but just a little cyan then she looked at the attire she was in and when she flew more stuff came and latched on a dress for the rainbow princess perfectly.

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