Chapter 1~ Lydia Ashenbert

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"Shall we go?"


Edgar takes a step in front of Lydia and reaches out his hands. "Hold onto my arm."

"A-as if" Lydia gives of a small frown and turns away. "Oh,no" she can't believe it, she loves Edgar doesn't she? Why is she rejecting him now?

"Lydia..." Edgar- Now slumping ever so slightly, "please?" Edgar's ash mauve eyes were now pleading for her touch.

Lydia, couldn't resist those eyes and his words, slightly gnawing at her heart. "okay" She held on Edgar's arm, and they walk towards the carriage. Lydia didn't know where they were heading to, Edgar had kept it a secret.

"S-so is Raven coming with us?" Lydia questioned

"Fortunately not, he's out running errands for me with Ermine, I wouldn't want him to interrupt our special outing today."

"I see" Lydia's heart started to ache, she remembered now, the reason she couldn't possibly ask Edgar for more. Its because of Ermine. Edgar probably still fancies her. Like that day when Edgar was drunk and he was a very open target, yet Lydia managed to somehow be weaker than him at that time. He got a hold of her and pushed her down onto the bed, and whispered "Ermine."

"How could I possibly have forgotten"

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