1. The Beginning

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*For context, Regina has just spread the rumour about Janis in 8th grade.. For non-American people like me, they're 12*

Janis: *sat on a bench outside school, visibly upset*

Damian: *sees, but is scared to intrude*
D: Hey, are you okay?

J: What's it to you?

D: Hey, okay, I'll leave. I just thought, erm, I thought... *stumbles over words while walking away*

J: *smiles at his awkwardness*

D: I'm leaving, sorry.

J: No, wait. I'm sorry.

D: Huh?

J: I just.... lost my best friend.

D: Oh... I've been there, hun.

Some kids: *walk by and laugh, saying "space dyke! " *

J: Shut up!

D: F*ck off!.... Oh, sorry, I hope you don't mind..... My mum kinda..... says that sometimes.

J: *smiles*

D: I've had to learn to protect myself.

Kids: *teasing both of them*

D: *chases them off*

J: *has a Veronica Sawyer in Fight for Me moment*

D: Hey, do you want me to stay?

J: Sure.... *scoots over on the bench*

D: *smiles, hoping he's found a real friend*

J: I'm Janis. Janis Sarkisian. Now known as a space dyke, I guess.

D: I'm Damian Hubbard. They hate me too. Do you want to talk about it? *puts hand on her shoulder*

J: *usually hates physical contact, but his hand feels warm and understanding* Why would they hate you?

D: I don't know how they know, but I'll let you into a secret. I'm.... Er.....

J: What? I won't tell anyone.

D: *chokes on words, shaking*

J: *puts her hand on his shoulder, returning his affection*

D: *melts* Gay... *looks away* Now you hate me too.

J: No, I don't.

D: Huh?

J: At least they hate you for something you actually are.

D: What happened, sweet? Let's talk about you, I don't matter.

J: Regina George didn't invite me to her birthday party because she thought I was a lesbian. She tried to out me in front of everyone.
J: Truth is, I don't know what I am.
J: It wasn't even a real question, just an attempt to snatch my dignity.

D: Wait.... Why space dyke?

J: Because I'm an idiot.

D: No, you're not. What happened?

J: I said the stupidest thing and now.... I can't believe I'm saying it again.
J: Please don't laugh.
J: I panicked.

D: Erm... I can't really promise that.

J: Please... I know we just met and all, but I just need one person to not laugh.
J: *looks at him desperately*

D: I'll try..... I'm not very good at serious.

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