2b. Here's Where We Belong

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For context: This is the end of the same day. Janis and random kids are played by my friend and I play Damian.

Damian gets to the bench first.

Janis sits next to Damian.

D: Hey, how was your day?
*shuffles aside to give her more room*

J: Pretty okay. Got called a you know what a couple times.

D: Are you okay?
*studies her face intently*

J: W-What are you doing?

D: Don't lie to me.

J: What do you mean?

D: I can see you're sad. What happened?
D: Is it Regina?

J: I.... don't wanna talk about it.

D: Okay, but I'm here now.
D: Where were you at lunch? You can sit with me.

J: I was in the bathroom.
J: That's where I've resorted to go.

D: My mum always told me that that's a form of cowardice. You're letting them in. I have my own table, no-one wants to sit with the gay creep.

J: Thanks, but I don't even wanna be in the same room as.... I can't even say her name anymore.

D: She can't bother you with me there. But okay, I'll come sit with you.

J: But... it's the girls' bathroom.

D: There is NO WAY I'm leaving you alone. No-one can stop me really.

J: Kind of creepy, but hey, as long as no-one sees you.

D: I don't care, they can stare as long as they like. You're mine to protect and I don't care who sees.

J: That's sweet. I wish I had your confidence right now.

D: It's not entirely real, you just learn.
D: Oh, I didn't tell you, we're getting the bus back.

J: Oh, cool.
*inside she's really scared to death*

D: I hope you don't mind.

J: N-Not at all.

D: Oh, Janis, you do mind. Oh, I'm so sorry. I-I see now, oh, I'm so sorry, I should have asked.... It's not too far, but you can just go home. It's okay.

J: You know what? You've inspired me. I don't wanna ruin your fun. I'll just sit in the back and try and suck it up.

D: I like where this is going, gurl.

J: Just... hide me.

D: *whispers* Of course.

The bus pulls up and kids start piling on. Damian holds out his hand to help Janis up. She shakily grabs it and steps on, keeping her head down. They sit at the back and at first it's fine. She's sitting drawing her picture of the necklaces.

Random kid: *comes back* Hey, everyone! We've got an alien on this bus!

*D instantly tenses and holds Janis's hand, trying to ignore it*

Kid: What are you drawing with your magic alien pencil, huh, freak?
*rips the pencil out of her hand and starts waving it around while making alien noises. The entire bus is turned around watching and laughing*
Kid: Aw, look at the alien's drawing!

J: Hey, stop!

*Kid rips the drawing out of her sketchbook, rips it into spitball sized pieces of paper and passes out straws and paper balls to everyone in the bus*
Kid: Everyone, attack the alien!

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