Chapter 1- A Normal Day? I Think Not.

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The day started like any other day. Wake up, dress, skip breakfast, avoid Father, get to school. But when I got to school that day, something had changed. That's when I realized the three badass-looking boys standing in the front of the school. I decided not to go near them, so instead I took the door to get into the West side of the building to get in. As usual, I kept my hood up and my head down to avoid being seen. My efforts were in vain of course.

"Yo lame-ass! Get over here!"

Just keep walking I thought to myself. I felt a harsh tug on the back of my hoodie and went flying to the floor.

"Look at what you've done bitch."

That's Carter by the way. My main male bully. My main female bully is Hailey. She's worse than Carter. She physically and emotionally hurts me.

"Get up lazy whore. I need my 3rd period homework." Carter said.

I gave it to him and quickly tried to scramble away. Tried. Before I could, Carter pushed me onto the lockers, making me hit my head. I started feeling a bit woozy. Carter began to kick me repeatedly in my stomach. This time, his kicks were much harder than they usually were. The sound of his friends laughing began to fade.

"Stop." I said weakly before everything went black.


I woke up in the infirmary, with a pounding  headache and an ache in my stomach. 'Why was I in the imfirmary?' I wondered, not noticing the male figure sitting next to me.

"Miss! She's up!" He said.

"Who are you?" I asked finally noticing him.

"My name's Aries." He responded.

"Like the God?" I asked.


I felt a tingle on the back of my neck, where my tattoo was. Immediately, I knew what was coming. See, I'm sick. I don't have cancer, or a mental problem, there's just something wrong with my body. I can't really explain it. My eyes are too different colors, and I have this tattoo going from my neck to my lower back of a chain with a purple and white feather on it. When people ask, I tell them it's a noose, because it looks like one. But the thing is, I've never been to a tattoo parlor, let alone gotten a tattoo. It's just been there. Back to the sickness thing. I get this tingle on my neck, and then the tattoo feels like it's tightening, almost choking me. I can't stop it, I just have to endure it. It happens at the randomest times, and I can't control it or delay it.

"Hey, Aries."

"Yes DC?"

"Hold up. How do you know my-"

Before I could finish, the chain began to tighten and cut of my breathing.


It stopped. How? It's almost as if he did something. I looked up to see him holding out his hand and a ball of red light on his palm.

"How are you doing that? What are you?"

No answer.

"Are you deaf?"

No answer.

I got off the bed, ignoring the pain in my stomach, and walked out of the infirmary.
Hey guys! It's the author here. This chapter was 535 words which I'm super duper proud of. If I made any mistakes, feel free to correct me in the comments. Please no hate, and I hope you liked this chapter. Everything here belongs to me, so don't steal or accuse of stealing. Have a great day and stay awesome!

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