Chapter 2- What's Happening to Me?

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Picture of DC above.
DC does not stand for Dodie Clark btw.

Walking out of the infirmary was a bad idea. I was trying to seem all badass-ish. But with every step I took, my body screamed for me to stop. It wasn't long before I felt weak, like I would faint. I sat down and rested my head against the cool navy blue lockers. It wasn't long before sleep took over my body.
I woke up to the shrill sound of the bell and the footsteps of people rushing to get to their next class. Speaking of classes, what period is it? Dazed and confused, I stood up and began to head in the direction most students were going in.

"DC!" I heard someone call out from behind me.

"DC!" The voice shouted again, this time closer than before.

I sped up, to the point where I was almost running. I was almost out of the school door when I felt someone grab my wrist. I stopped and turned around so I could see who had grabbed me.

"Aries?" I said.

I knew it was him. His icy blue eyes and platinum blonde hair were hard to mistake for anyone else.

"Who else would it be?" He responded, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"I don't-" Was all I could say before I was interrupted by none other than Hailey.

"Aries, baby! How are you! Still looking god-like I see!" She said, ignoring me.

Me being the coward that I am, slowly backed away.

"DC! Where are you going?" Aries asked me, ignoring Hailey's  pathetic efforts to get him to notice her.

"Well, well, if it isn't the biggest whore in the grade. Aries, why are talking to her?" Hailey said, and obvious look of disgust on her face.

"I just wanted to ask if she was okay. She really took a beating this morning." Aries said.

"You dirty slut. Are you trying to take my boyfriend? I wouldn't be surprised you man-stealing bitch."

Finally mustering up the courage to speak, I said, "Aries, I'm fine. Hailey, I'm not trying to steal anyone. You can have him." I said.

I'm getting very ticked off right now. I really just want to go home and have some tea and finish "The Fault in our Stars" by John Green. Hailey was making it very hard.

"DC." Aries said.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled. Except I didnt yell. The voice that came out of my mouth sounded demonic.

The chain began to tighten, and the pain I felt was the worst it's ever been. I felt like I was being ripped apart. My nails began to turn to claws, and my back felt like it was being ripped open, and something was growing from it. My unusual eyes began to glow.

"What the-" Hailey began.

"Hey, babe," Aries said. "Maybe we should go to my place. Just go to the gate and I'll meet up with you in a bit."

"Okay." Hailey said, giggling 'seductively' and walking away.

Once she was gone, I screamed.

"What's happening to me!" The demonic voice yelled.

"Your demon is taking over. You need to push it back down! Don't let it win!"

"Demon? What demon!" It yelled again.

Then he hit me. Everything stopped. The claws retracted, the things growing out of my back went back in, leaving scars for sure. My eyes dimmed once again, and I fell to the ground, absolutely exhausted.

"What- what was that?" I said panting heavily. "What am I?"

Second chapter down! This chapter is 586 words. Hope you liked it! Stay awesome and come back for the next chapter.

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