Chapter 3- History

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Three thousand years ago, the Devil fell in love with an angel. In secret, they had a child and hid her from the heavens and from hell. One day, God found out that this child was alive, and got angry. He ordered his angels to find the child and bring her to him. The angels set out to find her, but she was too well hidden. The two parents knew the child couldn't stay with them, so they marked her with an "Angel's Noose", a chain with a feather at the end, and sent her to Earth, so that she could be safe. God eventually found out what had happened, it was too late. The child was now slightly mortal, and could not be brought back. The marking was protecting the child from God's powers, so he could not kill her. So he instead killed the angel and the devil. He kept and eye on the child, and threw every bad thing he could her way, and made her life miserable. God's brother saw this, and sent down his son to protect her.

Three thousand years ago, two angels fell in love and had a beautiful baby boy. Although his mother died during birth, it was almost as though she was still there, in him. His platinum hair and piercing blue eyes matched his mother exactly, just like his personality did. He was kind and generous, as well as adventurous and brave. One day the boy's father came to him and told him to protect some girl. He didn't explain why or how long, but the boy agreed without hesitation. He was then sent to Earth and protected the girl and watched her grow. He watched as her powers grew, and became stronger. He saw her happy and sad, and everything in between. Without realizing it, the boy fell in love with the girl, and he had never even spoken to her. Of course, he could not express his feelings, or else he would surely be sent back to heaven. Little did he know, the girl knew he was watching her, and had fallen in love with him as well. He watched how he protected her everyday, and always silently thanked him when he helped her evade death. When they met, it wasn't they thought it would go. But we already know that, don't we.
This was 398 words and just a brief history on DC and Aries. Thanks for reading! Stay awesome, don't spread hate and I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2018 ⏰

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