cheer tryouts

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Your pov
Hi im (insert your name here) and today im trying out for the Seabrook High cheer squad. I am really close friends with Addison and Bree who are on the squad. I am also really close to Zed,Eliza and Bonzo eventhough they are Zombies. One small problem i have is that i kinda have a crush on the cheer squad leader Bucky and i get so nervous around him i cant speak properly; Addi(Addison's nickname) and the others  know this and so help me out if he speaks to me they kinda do the talking for me but its awkward as he kinda gets annoyed as he is talking to me but they are answering instead of me. Anyway right now im with Addi and Bree anlong with Zed trying to convince Eliza to tryout for the squad. Bucky said that Bonzo would be able to tryout when he can speak human seeing as he really wants to be on the team.


Now im on my way to tryouts  and i can not wait im so fired up Addi and Bree have told me that they dont need to tryout but that they will be there to support me and so that i can focus purely on them and not freeze up infront of Bucky. Oh yeah we finally managed to convince Eliza to tryout so she's with me. 

Bucky's pov

so today's the tryouts again because lots of people have left after we lost the cheer championships and as i'm standing by the door i see (insert your name here) and Eliza which gets me excited because (insert your name here) is really cute. wait what am i saying i cant let a crush distract me because i need to try and regain our victory.


so during the tryouts i realise i'm focusing in on (insert your name here) and so id decide that if they dont freeze up in front of the crowd they can be on the team as Eliza is not really close to anyone  bar (insert your name here),Bree and Addi so because Eliza is the only zom trying out so i will put her in as she is doing amazingly considering this is only her second time cheering ( the first being the championship)

anyway all i ever wanna be is somebody to you (insert you name here)

bucky + (insert your name)


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