trevor x reader pt2

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Your pov
So i got to the audition room and waited for my name to be called. After a while it was and i walked into the room only to find that Trevor was sitting next to the judging pannel i kinda froze up (ha The Next Step season 1) especially as i realised that he had a script in front of him

Trevors pov
God this auditionee has me shook she so cute. Focus trev focus....
"Hi im (y/n) and im (your age) "
Nah still cute
"Im auditioning for he role of Zella"
Yes buckys girlfriend
" this is trevor who plays bucky and i would like you to do scene 32"
I flipped through the script to find scene 32 and realised that it was the scene when Bucky declares his love for Zella.
"So (y/n) you may begin when your ready."
"Uhhhh.....h...h...hi.... bucky...."
"Hiya zella ummm can....can...can i speak to you?"
"Uhhh sure"
"Ok ummm so ummm "
"Spit it out even zombies have patience"
Here bucky is meant to blush and i think i already am
"Well you see ...uhhhh...u...i...i...i ummm ya know"
"Ummm what"
"It means love "
Then we start leaning in and we are just about to seal lips but then cut is called.

Seriously. We where about to kiss and cut got called.
"Ok (y/n) we will call you if you got it."
(Y/n) thanks Paul and leaves then im allowed to leave while they audition for other characters.
I walk out the room and see (y/n ) texting someone so i walk up and lean on the wall opposite them. Once (y/n) has finished they look up and jump ever so slightly.
"Uhhh hey trevor...."
" hey (y/n) what are you doing now"
" my parents are meant to be collecting me but they cant till later so im stuck"
"Thats a bummer"
"Well im on a break and i feel like grabbing a Starbucks so what say you join me and we chat"
Here i realise in getting rather warm cheeks but (y/n) is also blushing"
I then notice they have a TNS phone case
"Yo you like TNS whose your fave"
"Uhhh Riley....."
" ah the onscreen other half, nice one. So i guess jiley is your fave couple"
"Of course . They are the best forever hashtag jiley forever spelt number four then eee vee aye"
"Oh yes"
"Do you wanna fan out in starbucks"
Omg im going on a almost date with (y/n)!

Your pov
OH GOD trev is letting me fan out at him.
This seems like a almost date
or should i say

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2019 ⏰

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