Sweet, Sweet Smile ( Honey Bee ) - Part 2

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Back with more honey, mmmm honey... Wait a minute... I meant honey bee girl, don't get stung!

( Reader P.o.V )

Your House

It's barely three days since Maya became my guest but I can tell that we're bonding pretty well. She's shy but kind and happy girl. As we were spending more time together she opened up a bit more and stopped looking at the ground when talking to me. Whenever something resembles her home she happily tells me about, mostly about her sisters and her mother.

At day four - that is today - I got up early and stretched, feeling the pop in my back. I sigh and went to bathroom. I knocked but no one answered so I went in and started to wash myself a bit. On the second day I accidentaly walked in on her, thankfully all she did was washing her hands and face but we agreed to lock door just in case...

I finished washing and put on some everyday clothes before heading to kitchen and preparing some pancakes... Maya has an amazing sweet tooth to the point where she ate a whole large cake I bought to celebrate her living with me. It was a cute scene as she had a bit on her nose and cheeks while repeatedly saying sorry. I took a photo, our first one... Jeez, I sound as if she was my girlfriend.

Maya : Good morning~!

(Y/N) : Morning, I just finished making pancakes. Syrup is already on the table. Take this plate, I'll join you after I'll finish making my own.

Maya : Okay!

When you manage to crack her shy shell, well, there is this sweet smiling girl who brighten up your day... I took my own plate and joined her in the dinner room. She already turned on TV and was watching some cartoons. I sat next to her, which startled her causing her to turn to look at me with a blush.

(Y/N) : Is this okay or should I change my place?

Maya : Y-You can stay where you are...

She's accepting me when it comes to talking but when I step closer or have a physical contact with her she gets shy again. Probably stepping inside her comfort zone but she doesn't seem to mind me all that much as - with Smith's words - she'd stung me already if I were to make her too uncomfortable. I'm guessing that she just has to get used to me being near her.

We were eating and laughing a bit at the funny scenes in the cartoons. We were exchanging thoughts about what's happening on the TV screen and we didn't even notice that we finished eating as she smiled at me sweetly and lied her hand on my own. When she realized that her face turned red and she quickly thanked for her meal before flying back to her room. I chuckled a bit despite my own face feeling warm...

I decided to clean up after the breakfast and continue watching TV afterwards. As I was clicking thought channels I heard the buzzing sound of wings as Maya returned wearing one of her cute bee-like dresses. She had a small smile as she flied over to me.

Maya : (Y/N), I-I'd like to ask you something.

(Y/N) : What do you need help with?

Maya : I wanted to get more flowers...

(Y/N) : Sure, we can take a walk there. The weather is nice so we can go, just let me get my wallet.

Maya : T-Thank you...

I put on my shoes and we were off. As we walked pass the people I noticed just how many monsters were accepted into the program. I saw a few werewolves, catgirls, onis, harpies... And I saw a guy heading to the park with a whole bunch of monsters. A fluffy spider girl with sitting on his head as a huge red Oni was holding his hand gently...

Silence was holding up between us as Maya looked at me with a shy glance once in a while while I just smiled at her causing her to blush and look away. It wasn't an awkward silence and I enjoyed our little play. Even with her being so shy normally I can tell that she's got a crush on me, a little one at least...

(Y/N) : So, did your family contact you?

Maya : Oh? Yes! My mom called me! She was so happy that the telephon she got works! I also talked with all of my sisters, all twelve of them!

(Y/N) : T-There's thirteen of you!? I mean you were talking about your sisters but stopped at some point, you said like five of them...

Maya : I know that's it's not as much as in most... All other Bee Queens have like twenty or so but mom is still young!

(Y/N) : You want a family of twenty kids?

Maya : All Bee Queens do. For now I'm just a Bee since I still didn't get my husband and grew to the form of childbearing...

(Y/N) : So, it's not your final form yet? You're very cute now, I fear I won't take more of it if you'll change to be even more mature and beautiful.

I chuckled as I pat her head. Her face lighten up by a large but shy smile as she turned red and just thanked me. We continue walking and eventally she stepped closer to me and we walked like this. I pretended to not notice as she looked up at me while sliding her finger in my hand for me to hold her. It wasn't long until we reached the shop...

The moment she entered the smile got extremaly wide as she took off with her wings, sniffing and checking out all of the flowers. I stopped by a clerk who's eyes widen at her sudden movement around. I chuckled and asked about the flowers she was picking. I really didn't care about the price, seeing her smile. I guess she did get to me a bit...

After we spent quite a long time we head to the mall. I had the bag with seeds she picked for her indoor garden. We spent some time in the mall, Maya marveled at the amount of possible things you can buy and I bought a small cake for us. We sat down at the cafe and I just chuckled at Maya, who had some of the frosting on her nose.

We decided to get back home but noticed that it started raining. Maya looked at the sky with a small smile as she put her hand out in the rain. I quickly got back to the mall and bought an umbrella for us. Of course I it was bit too small if we were to just walk under but...

(Y/N) : Here, you won't get wet.

Maya : I don't mind rain... But I don't like my wings getting wet.

(Y/N) : Well, I can get back to buy another umbrella or we can share it. I mean it's rather small but if we squeeze under it we can both be protected.

Maya : S-Sure...

Maya walked over to my side in which I had the umbrella and gently wrapped her arms around my own while leaning against me. I didn't have to look at her to know that she's blushing like mad but I'm not in a much better state. Her hand slowly moving along my arm until she put it on my own...

Maya : Hehehe~ I don't mind sharing with you.

I looked at her and when she realised what she said she quickly looked down. I felt a pull on my heart. It's not fair that she's so cute. If it wasn't for the current law I'd probably asked her out already. We returned home and after some time we were ready for bed. I stayed to watch some movies while Maya went to her room. After some time I leaned back and almost fell asleep when I heard something...

In the corner of my eye Maya was sneaking over to me. Of course, in the position I was sitting in it seemed as if I fell asleep on the couch. I closed my eyes ready to surprise her at a given moment but then I felt someone lying me down gently and pulling a blanket over me. Then... I felt her lips against my cheek.

Maya : Thank you, (Y/N)... Sleep well.

She turned off the TV and went upstairs as quietly as she could, while I was lying down in the darkness thinking over what just happened...

I'll try posting some updates tomorrow. Either Amber or Cathyl... or both.

Also, after three days of driving my freshly bought car to school as I was returning a goddamn roe jumped in front of my car. Thankfully I just have to change my bumper and left light...

Then my friend had the same thing in the middle of our small town just a few hours later xD

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