i. caelesti flumina

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I jumped from the heavens, reaching one of my temples in Rome

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I jumped from the heavens, reaching one of my temples in Rome. I smiled at my offerings, plucking up an apple and munching on it. I flipped through the letters that people had left, so that I could help. One caught my interest.
Dear Bellona,
Please help. I'm a priestess at one of your other temples, but something strange has been going on. Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto's temples all have been destroyed. Normally, the Gods would' be taken revenge, but they have done nothing of the sort. I also feel like I am being stalked; messages have been written all over the walls of wherever I go. I can feel them looking over my shoulder right now; but when I turn, it seems as if they' HELP
It was quite alarming to say the least; it seemed like the stalker had attacked them before they could finish the note. The uneasy thing was that I should be notified whenever people tried to murder others in my temples. A wispy spirit appeared next to me and took shape. "Summons for Bellona. Meet at the Heavenly Springs." The spirit disappeared. The core in my hand disappeared as I was forcefully teleported to the Springs.

 The core in my hand disappeared as I was forcefully teleported to the Springs

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I appeared in the Springs, shocked at the sight. There were many bickering gods that I instantly recognized. Minerva rushed towards me, her face a bundle of confusion. "Bellona, do you know what's happening?" Before I could answer, Bishamonten, Kagu-tsuchi, and Kofuku stormed up to us. "Well, well, well. If it isn't another goddess of war." Bishamonten said. "Bisha, there's another one over there!" Kofuku said, embracing me.

"GET YOUR GREAT, THUNDERING HANDS OFF OF ME THIS INSTANT!" I shrieked, smacking her arms with the butt of my sword. All the other gods went silent, looked at me, and approached me. "Can you all just shut up when I'm trying to sleep?!" Hypnos asked with his normal lousy attitude.

The Mischief twins jumped on Kofuku, hugging her, and tumbled away. Thor sighed. "It isn't ur fault; we all randomly were summoned here." He said, picking up a petunia from under his feet. "I am so handsome
An awesome Apollo says
Not because of gods." Apollo said happily.

"Your poems are terrible; as usual." Forseti said as pushed up his glasses. "Non non, they are not poems but..." Apollo did a pose. "Haiku's!" Freyja smiled at us, her red eyes eerie and cold.

"Everyone, why don't you sit down?" She ordered softly. The Jealousy Twins smiled at each other; their bodies falling to the floor. Their wispy souls jumped into Minerva. "Brother, brother, it seems Minerva is very mad." Minerva said. "Sister, sister, it looks as if Minerva is furious."

The two spirits jumped out, receiving a glare from Minerva. A scroll floated down and landed in Hypnos' hands. "Huh? Can someone read this for me?" He asked, his eyes closed.

Thor snatched up the scroll and cleared his throat. "Dear Gods and Goddesses,
You must be very confused as to why you are here." He began. I rolled my eyes. "No, duh." Bishamonten hit me on the head. "Shut up." She hissed.

"AS I WAS SAYING, You have been gathered here to go down to a different dimension; specifically, Constellia. You all must've noticed strange things in nature; all of this has to do with the River of Life. It has stopped flowing. You all have to figure out why it's been blocked...and I'm sure you all know the consequences if it isn't stopped. You all know of the 12 zodiac signs, right? You all originally are those 12 signs. You all have little strips of paper that tell you which sign you represent, and must go under the 'guise of the Signs. Do not by all means tell anyone you are all gods; because someone has done this on purpose. Watch out for any other gods. If you have any questions, ask Zephyr."

The scroll rolled up and dropped on the ground. "It would've been better if they'd come to tell us in person." Forseti mused, picking up the scroll.

Freyja tapped her chin thoughtfully. "So...we have to go to Constellia because the person who blocked off the River is at Constellia?" She asked, plucking petals off of a daisy.

Suddenly, my vision went black. We reappeared in front of a small house. Bishamonten brushed dust off of her dress and stood up, examining the house in distaste.

"Why couldn't we just watch from the heavens so see if there was any suspicious activity?" She asked, opening the door and viewing the inside.

"Don't cheat yourself; you know we'd never to stick to it." Kagu said with a laugh.

"Bisha! Where are you going?" Kofuku asked, tackling Bishamonten in a hug. Bishamonten looked like she wanted to die; but she couldn't.

"Inside to find a room." She said with a sigh, walking inside with Fubuku on her back. "Wait up!" Kagu called, racing up to them.

"Both of you, stop! We need to plan this out." Minerva yelled, while stamping her foot in frustration. "Brother, brother, it seems like Minerva is frustrated beyond belief." Jea* said. "Sister, sister, it looks like Minerva is pretending to be a wild ox." *Lousy replied.

I walked inside, and sat at the head of the long table. All the other gods filed in and sat down. Apollo let out a dramatic sigh. "Why must you host a meeting now? I want to try out a new shampoo!" He said, running his hand through his hair.

"Be patient, everyone. This meeting will be over soon." Freyja said, her voice washing all of us like a wave. Apollo closed his mouth, frowning. Minerva smiled. "Thank you. Anyways, we should figure out what Zodiac Signs we need to be." She said.

Freyja nodded, her pink hair falling into black locks and her eyes turning from red to blue. A warm wind ruffled through my hair, and I grumbled with distaste. Apollo looked delighted, and clapped his hands. Soon, the wind began to take the shape of a man. "You called?"
Jea is the female twin of Pisces.
Lousy is the male twin of Pisces.

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