βʹ. Αφίξεις

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I waved at Zephyr while eating some food I'd found

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I waved at Zephyr while eating some food I'd found. It was called Nebula Chips, and tasted almost like the Ambrosia Chips on Olympus.

"Apollo!" Zephyr cried out happily, doing their secret handshake. "What's up, man?" Apollo asked, grinning from head to toe.

Bellona cleared her throat loudly from across the table. "Do you need a cough drop?" Hathor asked, looking concerned. Bellona scowled. "Can you...tell us what signs we're supposed to be?" I asked, snuggling in my fuzzy blanket.

"Oh, yeah! Bellona is Aries, Hypnos is Taurus, the Mischief twins are Gemini, Thor is Cancer, Apollo is Leo, Forseti is Virgo, Hathor is Libra, Bishamonten is Scorpio, Kagu is Sagittarius, Minerva is Capricorn, Kofuku is Aquarius, and the Jealousy Twins are Pisces. Is that all you need?" Zephyr asked.

Taurus. The bull that Zeus turned into to seduce a lady. Whoopee. I reached my hand back into the bag and pulled out nothing. I frowned at the bag, and turned to Apollo. "Can you get me more chips?" I asked.

Apollo sniffed and ran his hand through his hair. "And why should I do that? It's so clos-." I frowned at him. "I think you were asking for a very long nap. Well, I can squeeze you in t-." Apollo sighed and threw me a bag of opened chips from the cupboard. I ate them as Minerva talked strategy.

"Ok, so does everyone remember their names? For the twins...we can call Mis Gem, and Chief Ni. Let's call Jea, Pi and Lousy, Sces. Alright? Everyone...we should cook...dinner." She said. Hathor stood up. "I'll help since I'm basically the goddess of family." She pushed her chair in and washed her hands, taking out a book.

"Ooh, I wanna help, too!" Kofuku said, clapping her hands excitedly. "You are banned from the kitchen; and don't cause anything bad to happen." I said. Kofuku stuck her tongue out and crossed her arms. "Meanie!"

Forseti stood up and pushed his glasses up. "I'll help." He said, walking into the kitchen. Kagu walked in as well, and we sat at the table uncomfortably

"Alright; first we need to find out more about Constellia." Bellona said to Zephyr. He grinned and nodded. "For this special occasion, you can choose one power that you don't have to have. It must be reasonable, though." Zephyr said.

As soon as the words left his mouth, the cooks ran out of the kitchen. "I want to be able to manipulate air! It fits as a Goddess Of the Sky, right?" Hathor asked, holding a sharp knife.

Zephyr nodded and snapped his fingers. "Done."
"Alright, let's go in Zodiac order, which is the order you're sitting in, starting from Aries." Zephyr said.

After he'd finished Lousy, everyone had an extra power. Bellona had Courage Manipulation, I had Crystals, the Gemini's had Duplication, Cancer had Weapon Creation, Leo had Heat Manipulation, Virgo had the ability to be able to look at over 100 people and know all their locations and weaknesses, Libra had Air Manipulation, Scorpio had Water Manipulation, Sagittarius had Lightning, Capricorn had Ice, Aquarius had Fear Manipulation, and the Pisces Twins had Shadows.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2018 ⏰

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