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Connor walked from the bathroom into Hank's bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Catching a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he fixed his hair and winked at himself.

Had Hank meant what he said about his 'chiseled bod'? At the time, Connor was too preoccupied to really pay attention the comment.

He turned to the side, checking himself out in the mirror. Hank was right about his body. He did appear more muscular than the average male.

But it wasn't from working out or eating healthily. It was just the way that he had been manufactured.

He opened the closet and began searching through Hank's clothes. There were a lot of patterned shirts and baggy jeans.

He laughed as he found a tie covered with little dogs resembling Sumo. When Hank cared about something, he really cared.

In the end, he settled on Hank's old 'Detroit Police Department' jumper. It was a few sizes too big for him, falling midway down his thighs.

The sleeves were far too long, but it was one of the less ridiculous looking garments. He couldn't exactly walk out wearing a shirt and jeans.

As Connor turned the corner into the living room, Hank looked up at him.
"Comfortable?" He smiled.

"Yes, thank you." Connor replied as he sat next to the Lieutenant on the sofa, tucking his bare legs up into the baggy hoodie.

"Here," Hank handed him a glass, "drink this."

Connor analysed the drink and found that it was blue blood, compatible for his bio-components. He began sipping it slowly, replenishing the lost blood.

"What did you mean when you said that error only shows up when you're around me?"

The question caught Connor off guard and he spluttered into his own drink.
"All I meant by that was... well erm..."

The Android was struggling to find the right words to describe how he felt.

"Sometimes, you do- or say- things that cause the error code to be displayed." Connor tried his best to explain what he was feeling, but for someone who shouldn't experience emotions, it was a challenge.

"Can you give me an example?" Hank wasn't sure if he fully understood what Connor was talking about. Then again, he could barely change the settings on his phone, so helping an high tech AI with his problems would be near impossible.

One thing Hank was sure about was how adorable Connor looked in an oversized hoodie, stammering on about his feelings.

"You touched my leg in the car..." Connor trailed off, remembering the moment and feeling flustered.

The room went quiet. Hank thought for a moment about how he felt towards this Android. There was definitely something more than just a friendship. He felt that they had a closer bond and, from what Connor was saying, it sounded as if he felt the same way.

"So," Hank started, "just for experimental purposes... does the error come up when I do this?"

With that, he placed his hand on the back of Connor's neck, pulling his face closer to his own. This alone was enough to make Connor blush, but nothing could have prepared him for what the Lieutenant did next.

He moved both hands to cup the side of  Connor's face delicately, studying the androids deep eyes before passionately kissing him.

"Hmphhh!" Connor almost flew out of the seat in shock. The Lieutenant laughed silently into the kiss before pulling away.

Connor blinked at the man before taking a deep breath, not knowing what to do with himself. The Lieutenant stroked the side of his arm with one finger.

"Is everything alright there?" Hank asked him, laughing.

"What is this emotion? It's the same on that keeps on causing me to have error codes..." Connor frantically tried to puzzle out what was going on in his mind.

"It's love, Connor. You're in love."

"But what does that mean, Hank?" The Android looked confused by his words.

"Well for some people it means they want to be together forever- romantically. Well... That's what it means to me, anyways."

Connor paused briefly before asking, "Have you ever loved anyone, Hank?"

The Lieutenant thought for a moment. "I loved my son. But obviously not romantically. It was a different kind of love."

Hank thought again.
"I love whisky too," he laughed, "but not like I loved my son."

Connor was confused. "So you love whisky... romantically?"

"No Connor! I love my drink but I wouldn't fuck it!"

The Android was confused. How many different types of love were there?

"In that case," Connor began, "I think I love you, Hank... Romantically..."

"I think I love you too, Connor."

The two looked at each other in comfortable silence, smiling at what each other had confessed.

"So," Connor finally spoke up, "what happens now? Do we get married?"

"Jesus Connor," the Lieutenant laughed, "slow down there!"

He explained to the Android what it meant to be in love, and that marriage doesn't always come from it, and if it does then the marriage doesn't always last.

It was a lot for Connor to take in, but he tried his best to understand the concept that Hank was describing to him.

"So what do people do when they admit that they love each other?" Connor asked.

"It really depends on the people and how long they've known each other. They might start dating or meeting more frequently. It really varies." Hank would never have imagined having this conversation with an Android. He struggled to comprehend how little Connor knew about emotions or love.

"This isn't suppose to be in my programming." Connor looked worried. "I think I might have become a Deviant." He looked away from the man, ashamed. He felt as though he had betrayed him.

Hank pulled Connor's chin up, so that their eyes were level.
"Deviant or not, there's something about you Connor. Besides, I won't tell anyone if you don't."

Hank winked as he finished his sentence, and Connor instantly felt reassured. He pulled the Lieutenant closer as they shared another kiss.

"I love you, Hank." He whispered into his partner's ear.

Hank rested his head on the Android's shoulder.

"I love you too, Connor."

Connor x Hank - Detroit: Become Human Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz