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The boarder was quickly approaching. Both of them knew that once they were through, their new life could start forever.

Hank's phone began to ring loudly, making them both jump. Connor picked up the device, examining the screen before saying, "it's your boss..."

"Old boss." Hank corrected with a laugh, "just let it ring out, it can't be important."

The phone stopped ringing, filling the car with silence. Hank sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Do they miss us already?"

The phone started ringing again. "For fucksake! Connor do you mind putting the phone on hands free for me please?"

The Android nodded, answering the phone and making sure that the volume was all the way up.

"What do you want?" Hank shouted before the head of Detroit Police even had chance to start talking.

"Relax Hank, I just wanted to ask you a question about the Android." Connor's face went blue. He felt embarrassed that Hank's old boss was talking about him and didn't know where the conversation could be going.

Hank put a finger to his lips and shook his head at the Android, indicating that it was best for him to stay quiet. He then put a hand on his thigh, showing comfort and hopefully distracting him from what he was about to say.

"How the fuck do I know? I don't even work for you anymore. It's your responsibility!" Hank looked upset as he said this, but needed to appear hostile towards the Android as not to raise suspicion.

"Well, it was last seen with you and then it disappeared. How do you explain that?" The lead detective was conducting his investigation down the phone, but Hank wasn't blind to the situation and knew how to handle it.

"I told it to fuck off back to Cyberlife two days before I resigned. I haven't seen it since. It's either there, or got hit by a truck along the way."

He paused waiting for a response, for a moment before adding, "Fucking Androids."

Hank rubbed Connor's leg and mouthed 'sorry'. The Android nibbles at his own lip and looked out of the window.

"Do you mind coming back to the station? Only for an hour or so. I just need to ask you some more questions."

Hank started to worry, he knew where this was going and had to make sure that he wouldn't be harassed by his boss in their new life.

"I'm not in Detroit anymore. I've moved away. There are too many bad memories for me there that I had to leave behind."

"Oh," his ex boss seemed confused.  "Where are you going to be?"

"Hawaii." Hank lied without hesitation.

"Hawaii? Interesting. I didn't think you'd ever go there. It doesn't seem very... you."

Hank didn't miss a beat, like he had planned out the story for this exact situation.
"I've got some family over there. A god daughter too. I thought it would be nice to enjoy my retirement with them."

"I understand. Good luck with your retirement, Hank. You were a great Lieutenant."

"Thanks. Good luck with the Cyberlife situation."

Connor hung up the phone and blinked for a second at how well his lover had handled the whole situation.

"You know I didn't mean any of that, Connor?" He made sure that him and the android were on the same page.

"Don't worry Hank," Connor smiled, "I completely understand. You handled that very well."

Hank smirked and looked at the Android in the corner of his eye. Connor's dark eyes caught the red morning sunlight perfectly and pierced straight into his heart.

"Why did they make an investigation Android so damn attractive?"

Connor blushed a deep blue, covering his smile with a hand for a moment before explaining.

"My appearance was designed to aid my integration into the department and not appear threatening to young people, as well as looking like someone anybody could trust."

"Cyberlife outdid themselves. They made an Android so attractive that I started to question my sexuality..." he shook his head in disbelief.

"And now we're engaged. Looks like you were right to question it."

He waited for Hank to shoot a glance in his direction before he winked playfully.

"What about you, Connor?" Hank raised one eyebrow.
"When did you know that you weren't straight?"

The Android twiddled his thumbs and looked down.
"I'm not really sure," he admitted.
"By the time that I was becoming Deviant, I was already in love with you. I just suppose that I haven't felt that way about anyone else but you."

"What about that Android that you were fixated on at the Eden club?" Hank teased, remembering Connor's blush as he watched it dance in the purple lighting.

"Well... I erm..." the Android was blue in the face again.
"I just liked the way that he moved, I guess." Connor crossed his arms defensively.

"Besides, I don't need a male android. I have you- and you're more perfect than any model that Cyberlife could manufacture."

It was Hank's turn to blush. His heart rate increased as Connor said this. He thought of all of his own imperfections and how Connor had helped him either overlook or overcome them.

His drinking problem had been out of control before the Android offered to be his drinking buddy. It was a small gesture but one that ensured his safety.

Now, he didn't know what he would do without him. The Android felt the same way about him too.


-Boarder Control-

The traffic became heavier shortly after they passed the sign indicating that they were close to the boarder. As they slowed down, Connor noticed the traffic was being sorted.

Vans, lorries and trailers were in the two far left lanes. Normal people carriers, cars and taxis were in the middle three. A lane at the far right was left clear, the ground marked with 'emergency only'.

"Connor, be a darling and grab our passports out of that bag there." He nodded towards a leather satchel that sat by Connor's feet.

The Android place the bag delicately onto his lap, examining its exterior. The strap was worn from its use and the buckle was flimsy.

He opened the bag and easily found the passports resting amongst the other essentials. Hank's was on top, as usual. It was a high quality leather, the only marks were where it had been open and closed over the years.

Curious, he opened the cover to be greeted with a photo of Hank at least 20 years younger. He burst out laughing, holding the two faces side by side.

Hank glared at him, snatching the passport before rolling his eye at the Android, who was still in fits.

"You look so small and innocent!" Connor exclaimed.

Hank huffed, "The police force really has aged me."

Connor picked up his own, admiring how accurately forged it was. His photo had been edited slightly to make him have a different hairstyle and a slightly chubbier face. He essentially looked like a younger version of himself.

The Android smiled, imagining what he could have got up to as a child- what his favourite subjects could have been, how many friends he would have had...

"Oh shit..." Hank's harsh whisper snapped Connor out of his daydream.

The Android looked at his lover with a worried expression. He noticed him gazing at something and followed his line of sight to a sign.

It read-
No Androids Allowed.
DNA testing will be conducted at boarder.

Connor's mouth gaped open as he read these words, fear washing over him. He looked over at Hank for reassurance, only to see tears welling up in his eyes.

Connor x Hank - Detroit: Become Human Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora