Chapter 2

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Two months earlier.... 

       The staff cafeteria was crowded with all tables taken. Carmen looked around trying to find somewhere to sit. She spotted a booth with just two women sitting at it, one on either side. Maybe they would let her join them. She walked over holding her healthy lunch consisting of a salad sandwich and a bottle of water. As she approached she was able to overhear their conversation.

"I still can't believe it," the woman with the long blonde hair tied in a high ponytail was saying to her friend who had short straight brown hair. They both appeared to be in their twenties.
"After eighteen months he just calls it off, she continued, "Right here in the cafeteria yesterday afternoon. We don't spend enough time together, he says. We hardly have sex any more, he says. Your work is more important than spending time with me, he says."
"Do you think he's been cheating on you?" the brunette asked her.

Carmen stood there awkwardly not meaning to listen in on a private conversation, but not really wanting to interrupt them either. They still hadn't noticed her.
"I don't think so," the blonde said, "but I bet he has someone waiting, and if it's someone on staff I'm going to find out who it is."

Carmen cleared her throat. Um, excuse me," she ventured, "All the tables are occupied. Could I sit here?"

The two women looked up at her and just stared for a few seconds making her feel quite uncomfortable, but then the brunette's face broke into a smile. "Of course," she said in a friendly voice as she slid further in on the seat. "Come and sit here. I'm Angela and this is Tracy."
"I'm Carmen Taylor." They all shook hands although Tracy didn't speak.
"Are you new here?" Angela asked as Carmen sat down, "I don't think I've seen you before."
"Just started yesterday."
"Which section?"
"The Space Programme."
Angela looked puzzled, "The space programme?" she repeated, "What's your job going to be?"
"Flight systems engineer and pilot. I'm here training for this week, and from next week I'll be based out at the North Reef Island launch facility."
"You'll be a pilot in the space programme?" Angela said wide eyed, "Wow, that's cool! You'll get to go into space."
Carmen nodded.

Tracy, who had been looking down at her hands and appeared to be deep in thought elsewhere, suddenly looked up with interest. "Wait a minute," she said, "Are you replacing John Harper?"
"Yes, that's right."

Tracy stared at her for a few seconds. "That's great. I mean it's great that a woman is replacing him." She paused and gave Carmen a sympathetic look, "I mean I'm all for girl power and that sort of thing, but there's never been a woman pilot or engineer in the space programme before. Were you warned that you'll be stepping into the biggest and most sexist boys' club in this whole organisation?"

"Oh yes, I was warned, but I was told most of them will be fine with woman replacing John Harper."
"Hmmmm," Tracy drummed her fingers on the table, "I don't think they will be," she muttered.
"Do you know them?" Carmen asked, "I mean know them individually? Do you go over to the island often?"
"Yes, I know them reasonably well. I've been to the island many times cause I go on some of the spaceflights."
"But you don't work in the space programme?"
"No, I work in the MRU. That's the Mars Research Unit. Angie here works in the medical unit.
"Yeah," Angela said with a smile, "That's why Tracy here gets to go into space and I don't."
Tracy gave her a pat on the arm. "Your turn will come, my dear," she said, then turning back to Carmen she continued, "When they finish with you in training this afternoon, can you come around to my office in the MRU?"
"Yes, I think so."
"Good. Just press the buzzer on the door and I'll let you in. It's one of those high security areas. When you get there I'll give you some inside info about life on the island." 

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