Chapter 10

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       Mike was right. After successfully retrieving the errant satellite, they were back on the ground two and a half hours later, but before they got to have dinner there was first a debriefing in Jim Driscoll's office.

He shook Adam and Mike's hands, "Welcome back," he said, "You had us worried for a while there."
"You weren't the only one," Adam replied dryly, "We were rather worried too."
Driscoll looked at Carmen and held out his hand, "Ms Taylor, you saved the day up there, not once, but twice. You saved the ship and you saved Adam's life. Well done, and thank you. He beamed at her.
Carmen could hardly believe it. She had never seen Driscoll smile before. "Just doing what I was trained for," she mumbled awkwardly.

"Okay well sit down and I'll fill you in on what's happening. First Barry is in the base hospital. The doctor says it's just a mild concussion. He'll be back at work in a few days. Second, Dr Hammond will be here tomorrow afternoon to conduct an investigation into why the course correction circuit in the Iridium failed and also to speak to each of you individually over subsequent events. Third, the mystery object. Dr Hammond will review the video recording of what you saw. We have no idea what it was except it appears it was some kind of spacecraft, but it must be treated as level one security. Don't talk about it to anyone, and that includes the maintenance staff here on the island. Fourth we found out about an hour ago that two satellites in a low orbit had collided two days ago and created the debris which you encountered twice. It was an unfortunate coincidence that they were in the same orbit you were. Well that's it for now. Go and have dinner, and take tomorrow morning off. Have some rest until Dr Hammond gets here to talk to you. You can write up your individual reports later."

Carmen didn't have much appetite that night but she had become the focus of attention by almost everyone in the dining room. They all wanted to hear her version of how she saved the spacecraft and had saved the commander of the mission from certain death by risking her own life. After months of being ignored by everyone this was a big turn around and rather hard to get used to. She noticed Adam wasn't talking much at all and seemed deep in thought.

After dinner she went along to the base hospital. Barry Fitzgerald was sitting up in bed with a bandage around his head. "It's probably my fault you hit your head in hold," she said, "I was  slow making the course change and some debris still hit the ship."
"Don't worry about it, Ms Taylor," he murmured, "From what I hear you saved all our lives." He paused and looked down for a few moments. "I have a confession to make," he continued at last, "It was me that put that microphone in your room when you first started, and it was me that searched your room a couple of days later to try and find out what that package was you got from Darryl Gibson. Glen Hewitt was in on it as well. We hated having a woman in our ranks and we were trying to find ways of making life unpleasant for you so you would ask for a transfer. I know sorry doesn't cut it, but I truly am. Tomorrow Glen and I will see Driscoll and tell him what we did and take what's coming to us. Thanks for coming to see me, and I am really glad you are on the flight team."

Carmen thanked him for his honesty and wished him a fast recovery. She had just got in the door of her room when the video phone beeped. It was Tracy looking very suntanned with her long dark hair hanging down around her face.
"Carmen," she beamed excitedly at her, "Dad just told me what happened on the mission. You're a hero. You saved the ship and Adam. I wish I could be there right now and give you a huge hug. You are so fantastic. I'm back from my holiday but I'm having a few more days off before I go back to work. I'm going to try a find an excuse to come out to the island and see you."
They talked for a while until Tracy said goodbye.

Carmen disconnected the call. She lay back on her bed trying to wind down and relax.
There was a knock at the door. Adam stood there looking slightly awkward. "Can I come in?" he asked.

They sat on the lounge chairs with Adam being silent at first as Carmen looked expectantly at him. Finally he spoke. " Carmen, I have been a complete ass to you since you got here. Most of us were, yet today without any EVA training except how to put on a spacesuit, you risked your life to save mine." He held out his hand. "Thank you. Considering it was only your second trip into space, you were as good as any veteran. I couldn't have done that EVA rescue better myself. You're an asset to the flight team. We're lucky to have you."

Carmen just nodded, not sure what to say.
He continued with a slight smile, "But don't get cocky. We're all going to treat you like one of the team from now on, but it doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you. If you get careless or step out of line I'll be down on you like a ton of bricks."
"I wouldn't expect anything less," Carmen answered with a smile.

Adam got up to leave. "Oh, one more thing," he said, "Tomorrow after dinner Mike, Grant and myself are going to have a meeting to prepare a draft of a new design for the spacesuit jets to make them easier to use, and also hopefully design a better tank that can't puncture easily. We want to give it to Dr Hammond while he's here on the island. Since you've had first hand experience with the suit jets I expect you to be at this meeting with your suggestions. Seven thirty tomorrow night in the meeting room. Don't be late. Good night."

After he had gone Carmen lay down on her bed a smiled to herself. What a day it had been. She didn't want to admit it to anyone but she had been terrified when she had set out on her own into space to try and rescue Adam. It had all worked out okay when it so easily could have gone wrong. But she had proved herself to the sexist chauvinistic men she worked with. She was a woman, but she was just as good as any man. It had been a formidable barrier but she had broken it down and she was now well and truly a member of The Boy's Club.

Keep reading, one more chapter to go.
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