I. i am rose evans

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Rose POV
My name is Rose Annette Evans. I am the twin sister to Lily Annalise Evans and this is my story. We were born on 30 January 1960, her at 12:07 am and me at 6:28 am. We always joked around about our times of birth. Lily was born earlier and she was always responsible and went to bed early. I was born right before sunrise and I love to stay up until the sun starts to slightly rise then go to sleep. We are each others best friends, but we are complete opposites. She is always the good child and smart and kind. I am sarcastic, cunning, and manipulative. She has scarlet red hair and mine is black. The only thing we have in common appearance wise was our green eyes. All four of us, Petunia, Lily, our little sister Dahlia, and I had green eyes. Pentunia's are the color of a peridot, Lily and I have emerald green eyes, and Dahlia's eyes are forest green. Petunia and I were never very close because we had many differences between us. First, I never craved the approval of others like she does. This caused her to because the stereotypical "normal" child. She obsessed quietly over boys with her friends and dressed up nice to attract their attention. Now I on the other hand am not a stereotypical "normal" child. Well, first of all, I'm a witch just like my twin. Second of all, the idea of a perfect life doesn't appeal to me. Life should be full of crazy adventures and twists. It should be full of beautiful memories in beautiful places with you love. To me life is the wind in your hair and bleary eyes. I never wanted to eventually become another face and quick memory in somebody's mind. I want to be the person that people look up to and think, "Now this girl, she must know how to live." I also was never very feminine as a child. I would probably the one that bonded most with my dad and basically became the son that he didn't get. Now that's not to say that I couldn't be feminine; I can definitely rock a dress and heels. I just don't prefer it to a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I will also never forgive Petunia for what she called Lily when we got out Hogwarts letters. I didn't care much about what she thought; I never have and probably never will, but I know that Lily does. When she sneered at us and spit out "freaks", I could see the hurt in Lily's eyes. No matter how much I told Lily that she was a little git and to let her go, the opinion of our older sister would always matter to her. Dahlia had always been more like me than Lils and Petunia. I am probably going to miss her the most while we are at Hogwarts. I know that Petunia would be on her case without me there. Wow. Hogwarts. I never in a million years thought that I could be a witch. It seems like something out of a fairytale and I'm still waiting for someone to jump out and tell me that it is a prank. Apparently Lily already had some suspicions thanks to a boy in the neighborhood that she befriended and kept a secret. His name is Severus Snape. When we first met, I tried to be open minded, but after the seventh sneer, I was done with his stuck up, better than thou attitude. But, we managed for Lily's sake. Anyways, I have to put up with him for just a couple more days until I can go to Hogwarts and be far away from Petunia and hopefully never run into Snivellus Snape.

a/n: so i'm currently super bored and procrastinating so i decided to write a story. sorry it's so short. an update will probably be coming on the weekend

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