IV. hogwarts

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Rose POV

I threw on my robes over my clothes and rushed back to the compartment where the boys had already gotten my stuff down for me. I grabbed my cat, now named Ivy, and grabbed Asteria's, my owl, cage.

"Ready for the rest of our lives?" James asked. Peter squeaked and I glared at James. He just grinned back at me and started off for the giant man who was waving all the first years over. I saw Lily get into a boat with Snape and three other girls.

"We should go grab a boat before we get split up," Remus suggested.

"Last one to the boat has to jump in!" James shouted, already sprinting to the lake. We all raced after him screaming at him for cheating. Pete ended up being last and was ready to jump in until Sirius interrupted.

"Well, I think that Pete here shouldn't have to be the one to jump in. I think the one who cheated should," he said with a smirk. James gasped and opened his mouth making him look like a gaping frog.

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies," I teased.

"Fine. I will jump in. A true Gryffindor never backs down from a dare," he said puffing out his chest.

That is how I ended up in a boat squished between Sirius and Remus, looking at James who was soaking wet and sitting next to Peter who was inching away from the puddle that he dripped onto the seat. We all looked at each other and at the way that James trying to wring out his shirt and ended up exploding in giggles.

Hogwarts is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. The large towers and giant windows add a slight intimidating effect, but the way the the window above the Great Hall glowed with warmth made me feel at home. Hagrid, the man who called the first years over, delivered us to Professor McGonagall, a witch with a tight bun and green sweeping robes. When she spoke, she had a Scottish accent. She explained what the Sorting Hat did and how it worked and then led us into the Great Hall. We marveled at the beautiful sights before us, until one of the ghosts floated up. James shrieked and pointed and then proceeded to jump into Remus' arms who promptly dropped him.

"Nice to meet you. I am Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington. I am the Gryffindor ghost. This is the Fat Friar, the Hufflepuff ghost, the Bloody Baron, the Slytherin ghost, and the Grey Lady, Ravenclaw's ghost."

"Erm, do you know why he's covered in blood?" Remus asked.

"I have never asked and quite frankly do not want to know," he replied, "My neck has been hurting all day. Dear me."

He promptly swung his head off and we all screamed. James most of all for Remus had dropped him on the ground.

"Well I must go for the Sorting is about to start. Try for Gryffindor, young ones," he shouted drifting away.

"Well, that certainly was interesting," Remus said. We all nodded in agreement and shuffled into a line for the Sorting. We all whispered our luck and hopes for the same houses. Sirius was first and to the dismay of the green and silver table, he was put in Gryffindor. I was happy for him and cheered him on as he went to go sit at the scarlet and gold clad table. One witch with curly black hair screamed, "Aunt Walburga is going to get you now."

He flipped her off and started chatting with some of his new housemates. The next person that I cared about to be sorted was Lily. She walked up to the Hat and put it on. She sat there and talked to the Hat and quite honestly she looked kind of ridiculous talking to the hat. I stood there and prayed that Lily and I would be put in the same house. I have no idea what I would do without her. Eventually the hat shouted out GRYFFINDOR to the delight of James and I. I looked back at the line to grin and him and saw Snape scowling. I was next and walked up to the stool and sat down. I could hear the Hat talking to me and almost screamed.

"Hm, twins I see. You would exceptionally in Slytherin except for the fact that you are a muggle born, not that that matters of course."

"You talk," I yelped in suprise.

"Of course I talk, how else would I sort you? Now back to the sorting," the hat replied.

"I swear if you put me in Slytherin, I will rip you into pieces with my bare hands."

The Hat laughed and said, "Well anyone bold enough to threaten the Sorting Hat must be in, GRYFFINDOR," the Hat shouted.

Everyone in our group cheered for me and went to sit next to Sirius who was sitting across from Lily and bothering her. Next was Remus, he seemed to be arguing with the hat but we were too far away to hear what they were saying. Now it was Peter's turn. The Hat took forever choosing where to put him even though it was obvious to me, he should be put with us, his friends. Next was James. He sauntered up to the stool and all of us simultaneously rolled our eyes. He had barely even placed the hat on his head when it shouted out GRYFFINDOR. He went to come and sit between Peter and I and we all began discussing what houses we had almost been in.

"Why were you arguing with the hat, Rem?" Sirius asked.

"I didn't think I was worthy to be a Gryffindor; I was arguing for Ravenclaw," he replied. I shot him a weird glance and he shook his head.

"I was almost in Ravenclaw," Lily chimed in.

"The second I put that hat on my head I immediately told it NOT SLYTHERIN," Sirius said. James laughed and gave him a high five.

"It wanted me to be in Slytherin, but that whole blood purity thing that Slytherins have made him say not. I also told him that I would rip him into pieces if he tried to put me in Slytherin," I shared. James and Sirius roared with laughter.

"How about you, Peter? Why did the hat take all of eternity sorting you?"

"Oh, I was arguing to put me in Gryffindor," he said.

"Well I'm glad he did," James said, slinging his arm across Peter's shoulder.

We all dug into the feast and talked about how excited we were to be here. When it was over, the prefects led us to the Fat Lady. They told us the password, Bandersnatch, and led us inside. The room was warm and cozy with a fire already crackling in the fireplace. There was some scarlet and gold couches with throws and pillows covering them and lots of beanbags and chairs. There was a few tables over in the corners, probably for studying or doing homework. They showed us the room and told us about how the boys could not enter the girls dorms, but the girls can enter the boys dorms they said with grins. When Sirius asked how the dorm kept out boys, they gave all knowing smirks and told him that it was just a small charm. I was rooming with four other girls and Lily. Their names were Mary McDonald, Emmaline Vance, Alice Fortescue, and Marlene McKinnon. Lily had met Marlene, Alice, and Mary on the boat already, but I didn't know any of them. They had also made friends with a girl named Dorcas Meadowes who was sorted into Ravenclaw. We all talked for a bit about Hogwarts and how excited we were to be here. We finally fell asleep dreaming of future classes and all the new exciting things Hogwarts would have to offer.

A/N: Hi everyone this chapter has just been edited because I went through and realized how horrible it was also go read Unexpected Love. It's Dramione tho just a warning love yall goodnight.

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