III. platform 9 and 3 quarters

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Rose POV
"ROSE I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T WAKE UP, I'LL KILL YOU," Lily yelled into my ear. She has been trying to wake me up for the last twenty minutes, but I went to bed late last night because I stayed up until four AM to read. I heard her footsteps fade slightly and let out a sigh of relief. Her steps came back as she came up to whisper in my ear.

"Don't make me do it."

"NO. You wouldn't," I said opening my eyes slightly to look up at her. She nodded and walked away. Light streamed through my windows as she opened up the curtains.

"MY EYES. I'M GOING BLIND," I yelled, covering my eyes with my pillow.

"Get up, Rose. We have to be downstairs in 20 minutes."

I groaned and rolled out of bed. I trudged over to the bathroom and got ready. Luckily I was already packed, so I grabbed my trunk, cat, and shoved my wand in my back pocket and ran down into the car holding my Converse in my hands. I had my hair in french braids that lily did for me; most of the time I wore braids to keep my long black hair out of my face. My hair had turned a medium golden brown from the sun and I was wearing a pair of black shorts a t-shirt and an oversized jacket. Snape was already in the car since he was the only one that knew how to get to the platform. I had my earbuds in and was reading a book while Lily and Snivellus talked about Hogwarts and magic.
"Are you insane?!?! I am not running into a solid brick wall, you toe rag!" I screamed. Lily shook her head at me. Let's just say I ran into a brick wall with a few swear words and a promise to shove my hand up Snivellus' asshole and pull out his vocal chords him if he was lying to me. When we got on the train all the compartments that we checked were full except for one in the middle. Each compartment fit eight people if you squeezed a bit and the compartment already had four boys in it. Lily slid the door open and meekly started, "Hi, every other compartment is..."
"Shove over idiots," I said as sat down next to a small, timid boy, "Everywhere else is full and we have no where to sit."
The boys laughed at my bluntness and moved over so we could fit. Lily sat next to a boy with a scar on his face and Snape sat next to her.
"My name is Rose Evans, the redhead is my twin, Lilyflower, and the greasy one is her friend Snivellus Snape."
Lily scowled at my introduction and kicked my shin and said," You know I hate being called Lilyflower, Rosie. And his name is Severus. What are your names?"

"Bloody hell, Lils. That hurt," I said rubbing my leg. The one with messy black hair and hazel eyes is named James Potter, the boy Lily was sitting next to was Remus Lupin, I was sitting next to Peter Pettigrew, and the one with black hair, gray eyes, and a smirk on his face was Sirius Black. Apparently Snape knew who he was and tried to start a conversation about houses with him.
"I'm going to be a Gryffindor, where the brave dwell at heart," James proudly announced.
"I'm hoping for Slytherin," Snape said, "Same for you, I'm assuming?" he asked Sirius. Sirius laughed at him and said, "I'm all about breaking tradition. I want to be in Gryffindor."
Snape looked shocked.
"How about the rest of you?"
"I want to be in gryffindor, but i'll probably just be a 'puff," peter said.
"Hey there's nothing wrong with being a Hufflepuff. Better than Slytherin," James said with a scowl at Snape.
"Come on Lily. Let's go sit with my friends in a different compartment."
Lily smiled apologetically at the boys and stuck her tongue out at me, then followed him out of the compartment. While they were gone, the boys taught me about Quidditch, the houses, and all sorts of Wizarding things that I didn't know about. Eventually, my sleepiness overtook me and I fell asleep with my head on Peter's shoulder.

Peter POV
I looked at the girl that was asleep on my shoulder. I felt a surge of protectiveness go through me. I felt the strong urge to do whatever it take to make sure that girl with the bright smile and sparkling eyes didn't go dull. Sirius and James were talking in quiet tones to make sure that they didn't wake her up and Remus was reading a book. I studied his scars for a second and realized that they seemed inflicted by an animal or claws of some sort. It gave him a dangerous and unnerving sort of feel to him, but coming as a person who has been sitting with him for over an hour, you could tell that he was anything but that. Sirius was supposed to have a reputation to uphold, but watching him converse with people labeled "bloodtraitors, half-bloods, and mudbloods" by people of his blood status, you could tell that he genuinely didn't care for that. James was arrogant and cocky, but I heard the kindness in his voice when he told me that I was as brave as a Gryffindor while we were discussing houses. My father never accepted the fact that my mother was a witch and when I began showing signs of accidental magic, he freaked out leaving my mother to take care of us. Mum was disowned from her family because she had married a muggle and never has time for me because she is always working to support us. I know she loves me but sometimes it truly is hard to believe that. but here, where I am surrounded by friends, I feel truly at home.

Sirius POV
The compartment door slid open and my cousin Andromeda popped her head in.
"Hi everyone," she began. She caught sight of me and her face brightened.
"If it isn't my favorite cousin. Sirius, how are you?"
"I'm doing great Andy, and you?"
"I made head girl, so pretty well."
I introduced her to everyone in the group and they all said hello.
"Well I just came in here to tell you boys that we ate going to be pulling into Hogsmeade station soon so you should probably begin putting on your robes. Rose, you can come with me and I can show you where the bathrooms are so you can get changed."
Rose followed her out with a promise to see us all soon. We all got changed and talked while we waited for Rose to get back so we could head out.

a/n: hey guys im back. i'm so shocked that i actually got views like wtf i was not expecting that please vote cuz i need them. thanks loves xx

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