V. first day

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Rose POV
"Bloody hell," someone shouted, "will she ever wake up?"
I groaned as someone rolled me over.
"Hey Rose," they shouted into my ear, "We're going to be late to breakfast."
I opened my eyes blearily and saw sunlight streaming through the window in our dorm.
"Bloody hell, what time is it?"
Lily rolled her eyes.
"It's only 8:00, but we are still going to be late if you don't get your fat arse up."
I groaned and flopped back into bed.
"Wake me up at 12:00," I muttered curling back into my blankets.
"Alright I'm done with this," I heard Marlene say, "Auguamenti."
A stream of cold water burst out of the tip of her wand. I shot up as the water hit me.
"Yep, she's up," I heard her say. I grumbled as I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I was dressed and threw my hair into a braid within three minutes making Marlene the longest to get ready.
"Wait, wait I'm coming," she said as she finished trying her hair, "How did you get ready so fast, Rose?
"I'm always late," I said with a shrug. Lilly nodded in the background, making a face at me. She would always have to wake up, sometimes causing her to be late, but I was normally barely on time for the classes at our muggle school. We all stepped out of the door and proceeded slide down the stairs.

"NOOO MY HAIR," Marlene yelled.

Sirius and James grinned while Remus apologized to us. Frank, their other roommate and Peter were standing behind them, chuckling.

"We found out that if a boy steps on the stairs, it turns into a slide so that we can not get in."

"Wait, wait," I said running back up, "Do it again. That was super fun."

I sat down on the top step and Sirius stepped onto the stair. I stood up laughing and looked over Lily's eye roll. Even though I was extremely immature and sometimes a total pain, she still loved me. I slid off of the steps and collided with James.

"Aghhh..." we both moaned, rubbing our foreheads. I got up and offered James a hand and proceeded to jump on to Remus' back and yell, "ON MY NOBLE STEED!"

He humored me and ran out of the common room and into the hall. We heard a yell and looked back at James trying to get onto Sirius' back.

"AHH NOT THE HAIR," he yelled making us all dissolve into giggles. We trooped out to breakfast and all grabbed seats at the long benches set out. I was squished between Sirius and Peter and across from Lily. I grabbed all sorts of food on the table eager to try it out. As I shoveled bacon into my mouth, I looked up to see Lily's scowl. I looked over at the boys and except for Remus were all shoving food into our mouths 'like animals' as Lily would call it.

"Sorry Lilyflower, I'll try to be more polite," I said.

Her face grew red from hearing my childhood nickname for her. She kicked me under the table and I yelped in pain.

"Sorry, Rosepetal," she said with a mocking grin.

"Rosepetal? Lilyflower?" James asked.

"Yeah that's what we used to call each other when we were younger. Now we mainly use it to embarrass each other because Lily hates it when I call her that."

Professor McGonagall came around passing out our schedules for the day.

"Let's see," Dorcas said reading, "we have Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Aringot, Double Potions with Professor Slughorn, and Transfiguration with Professor McGonagall."

Lily bounced up and down in her seat. I knew how excited she was to learn about the Wizarding World. She had spent nights up with me reading her textbooks while I read my stories. She was especially excited for Transfiguration and that's probably why she almost squealed when Dorcas read the schedule.

"Alright gang, shall we head out?" Remus asked finishing the last of his food. We headed out all together, but somehow ended up getting separated from the rest of the group. Now it was just Remus, Sirius, James, Peter, and I.

"I think the classroom is this way."

"No its this way for sure."

We went up a staircase and halfway through, it moved bringing us to a completely different hallway.

"Hmmm... what is this here, some first years not in class," Filch said waiting for us at the top of the staircase.

"Sorry sir, we got lost," I said using my puppy dog eyes on him. His face softened slightly and he asked us where we needed to go.

"We need to get to Professor Aringot's class, sir."

While he lead the way, James and Sirius whispered into my ear, "That was bloody brilliant. You just manipulated him by pouting. Imagine what we could do with you."

I smirked at the boys, said thank you to Filch, and apologized to Professor Aringot for being late. He told us to go find seats and that it was fine. I sat next to Peter in this class and helped him out a little while we went over the basics of defense. He is extremely smart, but is a bit slower to understand. Once he does though, he understands it really well, but the fact that he is a little slow in the beginning sometimes causes people to undermine him and his abilities. He was gleaming with pride because he was able to do a spell and thanked me profusely for helping him. In our next class, Potions, I sat next to James and a majority of the time in our class we were messing around but we were still able to do third best in the class, the first being Lily and Mary and the second being Remus and Dorcas. In our last class, Transfiguration, I sat next to Sirius because Lily said that I would distract her and she would not let me sit next to her. Sirius kept on making me laugh during the lesson which caused McGonagall to call me out embarrassing me in front of the whole class. McGonagall's faith was restored in me when I was first to change my mouse into a water goblet using "vera verto". Lily was in a huge huff because I was able to beat her in most desirable subject, Transfiguration, but we just laughed it off. During dinner, the boys and I messed around while the girls talked about whatever normal girls talk about. Later that night we were all gathered in the common room talking.

"This was a day to remember. Our first day at Hogwarts," James said with a wistful expression.

"I hope it never ends," Emmeline said.

"Then let's not let it," I said shooting up from my position on the floor, "guys, we could pull an all nighter!"

The purebloods gave be confused looks, so I handed it over to Lily to explain.

"Rose stays up all the time reading books. When you don't go to sleep, that's called an all nigher."

"But how will we be okay in class tomorrow?" Marlene asked.

"Leave that to me," I said trying to muffle my giggles. I acted all mysterious even though all I was going to give them was coffee. Most of the purebloods wouldn't know what coffee even is, which is a shame really, but Mary, Remus, Peter, Lily, and I would. It would be hilarious seeing their reaction to the beautiful, bitter liquid that helped me survive my classes after staying up all night reading.

We all got ready for bed and asked permission from the prefects to host our sleepover/all nighter in the boys dormitory since we needed permission for girls to be in there. They agreed but warned us not to be too loud in fear of invoking the wrath of McGonagall. The girls and I went back to our dorm to grab blankets, pillows, and clothes. I also brought my instant coffee to make sure that we could all make it through the day. This would be the first tradition of many, I though as we walked into the room.

A/N: So, the sleepover will be in the next chapter and so will their zombie like states. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'm sorry for not posting in such a long time. I just did not have the inspiration. Also I got the idea of a sleepover from the author of aurora which is an amazing story. I'm following the author Lex aka succulentss and her book is soooo good so go check that out too love you lots- rose.

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