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Jason was sound a sleep. I could hear him snoore. Witch was my cue to get up. Carefully I tiptoed out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen. The fridge was kinda empty since all these guys just ordered their food. But at least I found some bread and fruit. I made a few sandwiches took two apples and poured up some water in a bottle before heading down to the basement. Carefully I opened the door to the freezing room. Please don't be dead! But I could hear movement in the dark room.

-Zayn it's me, I said.

He stepped out of the dark....or more like crawled. I helped him out of the freezing room so he could warm up a bit. Then I gave him the food.

-How are you? He asked.

-I don't think you're the one who should be asking, I answered and gave him the water.

-Jason hasn't....

-No but he's still a big d-bag.

-Why don't we escape now? Zayn asked.

-The windows are electrified and the door need a password to get in and out. Plus I think he has guards outside.

-So what's the plan then?

-Alex's girlfriend is here. Witch means he's not really my babysitter anymore.

-How will that help us?

-No idea.

-We gotta come up with a plan!

-Well I have one in mind, I smirked.


-You try to keep yourself alive. While I watch over the door to see if I can figure out the password.

-That's your plan? Zayn asked doubting.

-You got a better one?

Zayn shook his head and I smirked.


Zayn had been warmed up and returned to the freezing room. He still only wore that shirt as a bandage around his leg. But I couldn't stitch it together. Then the others would know someone had helped him and who is the only one in the house who would wanna help him? We made sure there wasn't any trace of me there before I went back upstairs and laid down on the couch again. Yes, this was happening again.


I woke up pretty early. Instead of chilling in bed all day I went downstairs to watch some TV. When I entered the living room my eyes immediately caught Kat sleeping on the couch....again. I swear, it doesn't matter if Jason tie her to the bed. She will find her way down here anyway. But I couldn't just let her sleep in peace and let this opportunity slide. Instead I went into the kitchen to look for a waterproof, black colored pencil. When I finally found it I went back into the living room to draw a big mustache under her nose. She didn't wake up so I also gave her a beard, glasses, angry eyebrows and a harry potter scar. When I was done I carefully turned her body around so her face was turned against the wall. Everyone was getting a shock today!


-Amy wake up before Jason sees you're not beside him, someone whispered and shook me carefully.

I knew that voice....it was Naill. But I didn't really care. Soon enough Naill gave up on trying to wake me up. So I just continued snoozing.


-Amy wake up you're late for school!! Someone yelled.

I immediately jumped up and saw Harry, Louis, Naill, Alex and Natalie starring at me. Harry was smirking while the others tried not to laugh.

-Am I allowed to go to school!? I asked kinda excited.

-No you're not, a voice from behind said.

I turned around to face Jason. His dark eyes and angry expression changed into a laughing one.

-What? I asked.

-Go and look yourself in a mirror, Harry laughed.

I rolled my eyes and went to the closet bathroom. My eyes widened. I had a mustach, beard, glasses, angry eyebrows and a harry potter scar. There was only one person who could've done this.

-Harry you fucking idiot!!! You're so fucking dead!! I yelled angrily and ran back into the living room.

But he wasn't there anymore. That coward had probably already ran and hide.

-Hey babygirl, a raspy voice from behind said while two tattooed arms curled up around my waist.

-Get of me, I spat.

-Now why would I?

-Because if you do I'll....kiss you.

-You promise you'll kiss me if I let go?

-I swear on my grades.

Jason let go of me and I turned around to face his annoying face. He smirked not knowing that I just won. I started walking towards the bathroom when Jason stopped me.

-You promised me a kiss. So don't think for a second that you can walk out on me, he said strictly.

-That's true. But I didn't say when, now did I? You'll get your kiss sometime.

I jerked Jason's hand of me and continued to the bathroom where I tried to wash my face. That's when I discovered it wouldn't come of. I groaned angrily.

-I didn't know you were growing a mustache, a teasing voice from behind said.

-Could you be a nice kidnapper and give me a knife so I can chop Harry's dick of and feed it to him? I asked really annoyed and turned around to once again face the infamous Jason McCann.

-Can't you at least try act like you like me a little bit?

-Who said I'm not trying?

Jason sighed deeply. I couldn't tell if he was just annoyed or if he was getting angry and tried to keep it cool.

-Listend McCann....

-I like it when you call me Jason.

-Whatever. Listened you are definitely not a nice guy. You are full of shit and honestly I got enough of that. So please could you just stop with....whatever torture you're trying to push me trough.

Jason closed the bathroom door and locked it. Then he walked closer with no emotions on his face. My heart raised a bit as he walked closer.

-I don't like the way you're talking to me babygirl, he said angrily.

-And I don't like waterproof paint in my face. Somethings we just gotta live with...or not 'cause you could just kill me. I know at least 20 places in this house where you can find a gun in.

-You really don't get it, do you?

-Get what?

-I love you

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