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Even though I had been driving for three hours I was not tired. I knew my goal and what I had to do. As I arrived at the pier I checked the amo on the gun and that the knives were sharp. They were. I walked towards the ocean on the pier until I saw two familiar faces. As Damon realized I was here he turned in my direction.

-You're early, he said.

-I left as soon as you called, I said and walked closer up to him and my dad.

-I don't see any body bag? Did you get rid of McCann?

-No, but thanks for telling me where my dad would be! I said and threw a knife towards my dad.

It digged into his left leg and he screamed in pain. But soon fell silent when he didn't wanna show any weakness.

-So you wanna go down that way huh? Damon asked.

-I'm not here for you, you can go if you want? I said.

-Why would I leave? Damon asked and took a large step towards me. He was now only inches away from me.."When I just can do this?"

I gasped when a bullet passed through me. It hurt so bad that all I wanted to do was to scream. But I couldn't bring myself to.

-Amy!!!! I heard someone yell.

My vision got blurry and soon I blacked out.


-Drive faster for fuck sake Harry!! I yelled angrily.

-I'm trying to keep us on the road!

-She's at Saint Maria Pier, I said looking at my phone.

Amy took one of the helmets I'd put a tracker in.

-Left! Alex yelled at Harry.

The car almost rolled over when Harry turned. He stopped at the pier and I immediately got out. Amy was standing further away with two guys. A loud gun shot made my heart ache. Amy fell to the ground and I thought that my world was gonna end.

-Amy!!!! I yelled and pulled up my gun to shoot at....Damon.

Why in the world would Amy meet up with Damon Salvatore? Whatever, that doesn't matter right now. I kept shooting at Damon. He and the other guy took protection behind a car that were parked on the peir. I didn't really aim for killing them. I just wanted them away from Amy so I could get to her. As I tried to hit the other guy I noticed he had a knife stuck in his leg. Seems like he've met my baby.


-Jason c'mon! Amaryllis would be pissed if she knew you'd stopped taking your medications.

-Only if I annoyed her.

-You always do, I said and opened my eyes.

I was in Jason's bedroom dressed in only a black sport bra, badage around my waist and stomach and a pair of white pj pants. Jason and Alex looked at me in shook. I sat up but my right hip hurt like hell so I hissed. Jason hurried up to my side.

-Hey take it easy. You should be resting, Jason said.

-Did they get away? I asked trying not to look like I'm in pain.


I sighed annoyed and laid back down on the bed. Why did I even try? Damon probably saw my move from miles away.

-Why did you meat up with Damon Salvatore? Jason asked.

-I didn't come there for him, I said and tried to sit up.

-Who was the other guy?

-It doesn't matter, I said and stood up while holding one hand where it hurt.

-It does, Alex said worried.

-He's gone now. I doubt I get the chance to kill him again, I said and slowly walked over towards the door.

-Where are you going?

-I need to drink away my problems, I said and left the bedroom to walk downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen to grab a beer from the fridge. But there was no beer or any alcohol at all in the fridge. So I walked into the living room where Natalie, Teddy, Harry and Naill was. They all were focused on the tv.

-Where's the beers? I asked.

Everyone immediately turned their heads in my direction. Their eyes were almost popping out of their heads.

-Quit starring and tell me where the beers are, I said.

-Oh my god you're really not dead! Natalie said and ran up to me.

But before she could hug me I took a step back. My hip already hurt like hell. Natalie seemed to realize that soon enough.

-Oh....right. Sorry I forgot, she said and shook my hand.

-No biggie. Now where the hell is those beers? I asked.

-I got some tequila in my and Naill's room, Teddy said.

-That will do, I said and started walking towards the stairs when suddenly someone ran into me.

The person hit the hip that I had been shot in. Because of the pain my legs were weak and I fell.

-What the hell!? I yelled at Louis who had ran into me.

-Oh my god you're alive! Louis said relieved.

-Of course I'm alive. Someone gotta teach you some manners, I said as Louis helped me up.


-Good boy, I said and patted his head.

Then I continued to the stairs where Jason was.

-Hey Jason could you bring me the tequila from Teddy and Naill's room?

-You have been shot. You're not touching alcohol until you're healed.

-I'm fine, it's just a scratch

Jason looked at my hand holding the part of me that were burning in pain.

-You sure about that? He asked.

I groaned annoyed.

-Fine I'll just go to the training room, I said and leaned against the stairhandle as I walked upstairs.

-No you're not, Jason said and literally swooped me off my feetand carried me upstairs bride style.

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