Chapter 6

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*Next Day*


i know hazel going to be mad at me when i tell her i cant take her to homecoming...but she'll get over it

hazel- (looking at her phone)

ej- (put his head on her shoulder) who you texting

hazel- (puts her phone in her pocket) nobody i gotta go to the library

ej- (grabs her hand) wait i gotta tell you something

hazel- (looks at him) what

ej- you cant get mad at me

hazel- just tell me

ej- i cant go to homecoming with you

hazel- you dont want to go anymore

ej- i do want to go just not with you

hazel- oh...

ej- yeah im going to take kiara

hazel- ...

ej- because it would be wierd if i took you and not her because shes my girlfriend

hazel- whatever (turns around and walks away)

ej- (watches her) so...i'll talk to you later. right

hazel- (keeps walking)

*10 Minutes Later*

ray- liar. i thought you were going to the library

hazel- (sniffs and looks at him) what are you doing here

ray- you behind the gym this my spot im always here (sits by her)

hazel- oh yeah

ray- (looks at her face) whats wrong

hazel- nothing

ray- then why you crying

hazel- (wipes her eyes) im not

ray- (gets up and sits on her lap)

hazel- (trying to push him off her) get off me

ray- tell me whats wrong

hazel- ugh you heavy

ray- im skinny

hazel- youre heavy compared to me

ray- tell me whats wrong

hazel- (laughs) get off me and i'll tell you

ray- (moves off her)

hazel- (looks at him)

ray- go ahead

hazel- ej doesnt want to take me to homecoming anymore

ray- wow hazel

hazel- what

ray- that dumb dance

hazel- its not dumb

ray- its dumb to me

hazel- its not dumb to me

ray- so who he taking

hazel- his girlfriend

ray- kiara

hazel- yeah

ray- thot

hazel- what

ray- shes a hoe she sucked my dick a few weeks ago

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