Chapter 8

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*Next Day*

hazel- (feels her head) ugh

kiara- (walks up to hazel) we need to talk

hazel- i have a headache and i dont feel like talking to you

kiara- i just want you to stop flirting with ej he doesnt like you

hazel- you sound dumb (turns away)

kiara- (trips her)

hazel- seriously

kiara- bitch youre the only dumb one (flips her hair and walks away)

hazel- (picks up her books and stands up)


hazel- (knocks on the door)

ejm(EJ Mom)- (opens the door) hey hazel

hazel- ej here

ejm- yeah come in hes in his room

hazel- ok thanks (goes to ej's room and walks in)

ej- (looks at hazel) what you doing here

hazel- i cant come to see my best friend

ej- im about to leave soon

hazel- where you going

ej- out with my niggas

hazel- what?

ej- chres and jaay

hazel- oh

ej- (putting on his watch) you like this gold watch

hazel- yeah its nice i wanted to talk to you about kiara

ej- what about her

hazel- she thinks im flirting with you

ej- so

hazel- so...she called me a bitch and tripped me at school today

ej- dat dont sound like something she would do

hazel- she did it tho

ej- oh

hazel- so you dont even care

ej- (puts on his belt) you like this gucci belt

hazel- yeah

ej- chres gave it to me

hazel- remember before you made the team and you said you wouldnt change and get cocky liike Chresanto

ej- Chresanto aint even cocky

hazel- he actually is and youre starting to act like who cares about a stupid gucci belt

ej- aye its not stupid

hazel- (rolls her eyes)

ej- (hugs her) i'll see you later

hazel- yeah ok

ej- you smell like weed

hazel- huh

ej- you know what im talking about

hazel- (moves away from him)

ej- yeah im the one whos changing

hazel- you are

ej- but the hazel i know would never smoke weed so i guess im not the only one whos changing

*Next Day*

hazel- (looks at ray) do you think ive changed since we met

ray- yeah

hazel- oh

ray- but change is good

hazel- right

roc- (throws ej the football)

ej- (catches it)

roc- good catch

kiara- ej

ej- you should be cheering

kiara- im taking a break...throw me the ball

ej- (throws her the ball)

roc- now throw it back

kiara- (throws the ball at hazel's head)


hazel- (opens her eyes)

ray- been waiting for your ass to wake up

hazel- my head hurts (feels her head)

nurse- (hands her an icepack)

hazel- (puts the icepack on her head) what happened

ray- that hoe threw a football at you and you fell and almost cracked your head on the ground

nurse- what he said

hazel- (sits up)

nurse- hazel i called your mom but she said she was to busy to come pick you up

hazel- im not surprised

nurse- but rayan offered to take you home so youll be fine

ray- yup

hazel- sure

ray- where you wanna go

hazel- (shrugs)

ray- (looking at you) are you okay

hazel- (starts crying)

ray- whats wrong does your head still hurt

hazel- i hate my life

ray- no you dont

hazel- i do i go home nobody likes me i come to school nobody likes me ej dont even care anymore

ray- i care

hazel- for now

ray- you need to stop caring what people think of you and toughen up. i say you beat kiara ass the next time you see her

hazel- (looks out the window)

*Next Day*

hazel- (walks in rays house) ray (walks in his room)

ray- (walks out the bathroom wearing a towel) hi

hazel- (looks him up and down) oh um...

ray- you cute when you nervous

hazel- i called you but you didnt answer so i just came over

ray- i was in the shower

hazel- i see...

rat- (stands in front of her) give me a kiss

hazel- (kisses him)

ray- when do i get to see your freaky side

hazel- dont have one

ray- you will by the end of tonight (kisses her neck)

hazel- (bites her lip) maybe (gets off him and lays on the bed)

ray- hmm

hazel- well

ray- what

hazel- you said i'll have a freaky side by the end of the night

ray- you are

hazel- well im laying here all by myself

ray- (smirks) i see you (gets on top of her and takes off her shirt)

hazel- but be gentle. ok?

ray- (pulling down her pants) dont tell me what to do

hazel- ok bu-

ray- (puts his hand over her mouth and takes off his towel)

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