In Memory

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In joyous memory to my friend Litia
whose light was brighter than a billion stars.
May your return home to God depart you of
all your sickness and pain, and in His embrace
I know you will find infinity. I'll miss you forever.
I'll be waiting until we meet again.


She passed away today (23/06/18) leaving behind her mother, siblings, and a world of people she changed, me included. So I dedicate this story - Insusceptible - to one of the bravest girls I have ever known, and I know that Pip will do her justice to her beginning and ending, but most importantly, to her life. 

Cherish your friends. Tell the people you love them while you can. Hey, you inspire me. You've changed my life. You need to say these things because tomorrow doesn't exist for everyone, and it matters that these words be told.


Time tried to stop one cold, cold night in June.
Somehow, I knew you kept on dancing through.

No one I knew stood half as bright as you. And the light that you left, it helps me to see a way through all the bitterness. A way to who I really want to be. Oh, but I can't wait to talk for a while. Please just tell me you're alright. Are you way up in the sky; laughing, smiling, looking down? I know one day we'll meet in the clouds. Up in the clouds.


I'll leave you with a verse that kept her strong (Matthew 19:26), a verse which echoed her courage, declaring her faithfulness to the Heavens:
"With God, all things are possible."

I miss you already.

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