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Let's suppose that souls are like doors. It's an odd image, isn't it? You might be thinking, how can something as complex and multifaceted as the human soul be described by something as simplistic as a door, an object that opens and closes at will? Surely souls are not as easily manipulated.  

But imagine this for a second. A lost soul is like a door that won't open. A door which is wired shut has lost its primary functionality just as much as a lost soul has. Some lost souls aren't necessarily closed doors. Some are open -- desperately and painfully thrown open, in hopes that someone will walk by and enter by some fraction of a chance. And you may be wondering, how can a soul so willing to let others in possibly be lost? Well, souls of that ilk are brutally tested by their environments. Imagine winds, harsh winter winds, exerting so much pressure on the open door that it no choice but to close down. Yes, that is what often happens to open souls.

And now we enter our story. This, as you may have guessed, is a story of two souls who the universe happened to place together at the right place and the right time. One might even say that the two were split-aparts: two wandering halves of the same soul. Will they learn that souls, like doors, are merely passageways into something greater, something so much more powerful? Let us, you and I, delve into this odd story of souls and doors. 

**Hello there! Please give this a chance. This is the first story that I've ever written, and I know it's a little bit out-there,  but I hope you'll stick with it :) I'll have a more detailed author's note after the first chapter.  Thanks!!!** 

The Open Door - Sean and KayceeWhere stories live. Discover now