A Quick Interruption From the Universe

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And so, the two souls have met. We've watched them as they've begun to explore each other -- feeling, but not truly seeing, as most of us do when we first encounter another soul. It takes time for us to become at home with someone else, just like it takes time for us to adapt to any new environment. Eventually, we feel comfortable enough with their presence that we're able to take our shoes off, casually pull up a chair, and grab a drink out of their refrigerator, like a seasoned house-guest. But at first, their presence is strange and unfamiliar, and it gives us pause every time we sense it, stifled by the inevitable awkward formality which hangs in the air like fog.

But even though these two souls have only breached the surface level of understanding, even now they already see themselves reflected in the other, much like a blurred mirror. They see the vague outline of themselves, the strange likenesses and uncanny familiarities. This is a mirror image that will only become more pronounced with time. And although they might not realize it now, the fog will eventually clear, and they will recognize that, in terms of souls, they are one in the same.

But it is at this point that I need to discuss something rather important. The concept of falling in love.

Falling in love is popularly depicted as a graceful and gradual descent -- much like jumping out of an airplane with a parachute on, or launching into a mountain of pillows. It is seen as a gentle, enjoyable, and above all predictable ride. But those are wildly romanticized images of love. Because in those fantasies, there is no risk involved. And that is simply not the case with true love.

Falling in love is not painless. And it's not seamless, either. No, falling in love is like waking up out of a slight daze and realizing that you've fallen onto a concrete floor. You're not exactly sure how you got there. You don't remember where you fell from, or anything about the descent at all. All you know is that you're here now, and you can't get up. The world is a little bit blurry, your head is throbbing, and you're likely recovering from a mild concussion.

It's not easy to get off of that concrete floor. In fact, it hurts every time you try to move. But that's exactly the point. It's when you're lying on the floor, helpless, that you realize how much you need that other person. The other soul who makes your own complete. And so you will go to any lengths to complete yourself.

Now, you may as well be thinking, well hang on, you said earlier that souls were as simple as doors: easily opened and just as easily closed. But now you're saying that uniting souls is a painful and difficult process?

Ah, but that's just it. I said it was simple, but I never said it was easy. You see, in my experience, humans have the unfortunate tendency to make things as complicated as possible for themselves. You poor souls believe that love is a jigsaw puzzle, when in reality, the picture is already there. You just have to see it.

And now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

**Hope that you guys don't mind these more "philosophical" pieces. They're honestly more for me than anything. Sometimes I just need to get my stray thoughts out in writing. 

Just curious, do you guys want to see more or less of these types of chapters?

Thanks for continuing to read this story! Love you all :)

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