chapter 2

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Chapter 2

In a matter of few seconds, the three burglars managed to sneak into the house without making any noise. Theo closed the front door once all three of them were inside the house.

They tip toed their way to the living room, no matter how much Edmund tried to convince himself that everything will be all right, there was this nagging feeling which was telling him otherwise. He pushed the negative thoughts behind into the deep corners of him mind and tried his best to concentrate on his job.

It wasn’t his fault that people tend to scream, when they see a stranger in their house. On the other hand he can tell by his partners faces that they were both scared as much as he was, but this was not the place to get cold feet, especially when you are already standing on some stranger’s carpet.             

 The interior of the house was beautiful, and was giving a positive vibe. The family who lives here must be really happy? Edmund thought to himself.

Dan grabbed Edmund’s arm to get his attention, and asked if the plan was still on in a whisper, His voice was really low making sure that Theo wouldn’t hear him.

Edmund removed his hand from his arm and gave him a reassuring nod.

He ordered Dan and Theo to go upstairs to take care of the girls, while he will deal with the father. Which in no doubt will be the toughest one to handle, Edmund liked taking the challenging part. After all where’s the fun in the easy parts? 

He saw Dan and Theo making their way to the stairs, Edmund turned around trying his best to relax. This has never happened to him before; he was usually the calm one. But today, his heart was beating out of his chest, his hands were shaking, and his breadth was ragged and heavy.

Edmund slapped himself on the cheeks to get his mind clear, he took one last heavy sigh before getting closer to the basement door. The plastic gloves that he was wearing were making him even more uncomfortable. But nevertheless, he turned the doorknob around and opened the gate a little bit, and soon he was greeted by foul alcohol smell. Oh this is going to be difficult Edmund thought to himself, the strong smell was making him gag from its impact.

He covered his nose from his arm and started going down by the stairs, the TV was on, and some stupid rodeo show was playing on it. The basement extremely dark, only light source was the light coming from the TV, there was a huge sofa in front of it, and few beer bottles were lying around it  

He saw a dark figure lying lazily on the sofa. He had one beer bottle in his one hand while the remote in his other one. Edmund hated people like him.

This man has two daughters and a nice job, which pays him really well. But here he was drinking his sorrows in his basement, and soon Edmund found his long lost confidence in that basement.

He was an only a meter away from the father now, standing behind him carefully trying his best to not make any noise. He took out the rag from his left pocket while his hand searched for ether in his other pocket. Ether always makes the job easy, knocks out your victim for a few minutes if a given a small doze.

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