chapter 4

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Four weeks later         

Eva was lying in bed fully awake, in the past two hours all she has done is stare at the ceiling, and because she couldn’t bring herself to close her eyelids since doing so may result in horrible nightmares which were quite common for her these days.

 The whole house was so quiet, almost unbearable silence to be truthful.

Yes house not home, because they just recently moved in from their old home. Where some terrible things have had happened, and things that haunts her soul every day.  Eva felt as if everyone has abandoned her, her father was gone, her sister was also gone, her mother wasn’t much help also, and she never knew her as mother as well as she knew her father. There was a special bond between them, a bond which she can never share with her mother, who was always too busy for her family.  

Eva wondered why her mother ever gotten married in the first place, because all she ever did was love her job. But Eva didn’t mind, she was used to not having her mom around.  

But it seems like god has different plans for all of us, because now they both were stuck with each other. A mother who didn’t know why her daughter pushes her away? A daughter who won’t forget the old past, in which her mother was never there for her.

Eva has had enough of this laying in her bed all day long and being depressed stuff, she needed to get some fresh air. But she wondered at 4:30 in the morning that it might be a bit too early to go for a walk. Who cares     she thought to herself and pushed the heavy blankets away because the next thing she knew that she was sneaking out of her house at 4:30 in the morning to go for a run. She put on her running shoes and opened the front door to sneak out.   

Her pale cold fingers titled the doorknob and opened the door softly, a heavy creak noise came from the door making Eva stop dead in her tracks with fear of waking up her mother but then she imagined her mother resting on her belly with two wine bottles besides her bed which gave her assurance that she was not busted yet.  

Her face was greeted by skin piercing cold air making her cheeks pink. She put on her ear buds and looked for a very particular soundtrack on her phone; her eyes glimmered with joy once she tapped on her destination. Her ears were greeted by the sweet yet sad melody composed by the great Vivaldi himself ‘four seasons’. People would find it hard to believe but Eva has not listened to one single song with lyrics since that day. Words are deceiving whereas melody generated by instruments speaks to your soul.

Eva first took long strides with her weak legs and then in a matter of few seconds she found herself running to an unknown destination, this act of nuisance or whatever you can call it gave her a sense of pride and freedom, which was quite hard to find these days for Eva. She passed many suburban houses on her journey and all of them looked same, she had to convince her mother to get a red mailbox shaped as a race car when she first arrived here so she doesn’t get lost and can differentiate her house from the others. Living here was almost unbearable, this was a life which she did not ask for, she had to leave all of it behind, her home, and her school even her friends too. The press was becoming more nastier by every day with them so they had no other option but to move and change schools.

Just thinking about anything related to her old past would instantaneously remind her of those eyes… those dark golden eyes which can light up a room from miles away. These were the eyes which destroyed her and her whole family oh what she wouldn’t give to just snatch them out from their master and then boil them to perfection in the caves of hell.  She has never been so much focused in her entire life, she just couldn’t figure out why did he stopped in the middle of stairs to stare at her with those eyes the night when it happened. Maybe things could have gone differently? Maybe

A sigh escaped Eva’s lips but she pushed all those bad thoughts behind in her mind and continued to run on the suburban streets like there was no tomorrow. Her heart was beating out of her chest, her whole body was sweating heavily and soon her vision started to become blurred with every step she took. Maybe she was being too hard on herself, but in that moment she couldn’t believe that she has been crying all this time, she didn’t’ even realise it but salty tears burned her cheeks when they came in contact with cold air.

How can she become this weak? That she didn’t even have control over her own eyes, and she was being betrayed by them but those treacherous eyes didn’t stop there soon enough more tears came and more, somehow they managed to made the already dark path more blurred and less visible. Now she didn’t even know where she was going anywhere, if a tree was somehow supposed to pop in her path from nowhere she wouldn’t be able to run pass by it since she can’t even manage to see the bloody thing.

Maybe it was her treacherous eyes or maybe it was her drugged up brain, but she can swear on her life that she can see somebody approaching her. But she continued to run maybe it was just a fellow runner ‘yeah at 4:30 am in the morning lots of people run’ her inner voice snapped back at her. Eva suddenly felt panic rose in her body from head to toe and it was becoming worse by every second, now the figure was only a few houses away from her. Now only two and then one… Eva couldn’t make the most out of the figure since it was really dark, but it was definitely a man who also liked wearing long hoodie. 

Before Eva could finish her counting she found herself losing her balance when she accidently stepped on her toe. And automatically her body threw her away in the bushes and she felt terrible almost worth screaming over pain in her ankle. Eva’s mouth was open forming a big O, she wanted to cry or laugh at her bad decision making skills. But she settled upon screaming, she put her fist in her mouth unable to cope with the pain, she was bleeding from her knees. She examined her ankle to see if she could move it, she received shocks of skin piercing pain whenever she will try to move it.

“Are you okay there Miss?” a sweet yet charming voice asked Eva, If there was ever a thing called to rate a person’s voice from 0 to 10, Eva would have definitely given a 100 to this person’s voice. Eva looked up from the person’s feet to greet a soft hand offered to her by the stranger, his face was still invisible to her, and she could only make out small details around his jawline. But something in the back of her head told her to trust him so she took his hand, receiving shocks of electricity when her hand made contact with his. He helped her up effortlessly.

She realised that she was still gawking at him like a complete lunatic when he cleared his throat. “Can you walk?”

 Eva looked down on her sprained ankle and decided to test it, as soon as she put some pressure on it a sweet cry for help escaped from her lips and she again landed on the ground but something stopped her in midway, she felt the stranger’s hand around her waist, saving her from falling on her ass. 

 “Wow this is an embarrassing situation.” Eva muttered under her breath when she realised how close she was to the stranger holding her by the waist. She could feel his hot breath on her forehead but then the soft blow of his breath shifts from her forehead to her ear, where he whispers seductively in her ear, “Trust me I have been into worse.”

 She lifted her eyes up to take a good look of his face, his face was still so dimly lit up that she couldn’t make the most out of it. But she was still greeted by a fine jaw line, and curly brown hair that dared to escape out of his hoodie. But she was most fascinated by his eyes which appeared dark golden in colour to her as if they belonged to a werewolf, but she couldn’t pinpoint why she was so fascinated by them, and why did they looked so familiar?    

A/N: I know I am way too late.. but I promise to make it up to you guys. 

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