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"Jiminie tell me right now." As Rosé whine pocking his shoulders

Both of you are in a private place right now. No buildings, no fans, no cameras just you and him. Both of you are sitting beside each other a carpet under both of you. 

The gentle wind which made both of your hair swing back and forth, both of you are observing how the sunsets.

"Jiminie tell me pweashhhh~." You said with your adorable tone making his heart flutter
"Promise me that you won't be mad." He said looking deeply into your eyes making your cheeks redden
"P-Promise." You stuttered feeling nervous all sudden

Your mind had been curious since the time he texted you, questions filled your head.

Why is he so nervous?

Why can't he say it to me directly? (easily)

What is he trying to tell me?

Is he breaking our friendship or whatever? 

The last question made you dead nervous, you scolded yourself inside for thinking about that. You were wishing he wouldn't tell you that.

Suddenly he speak up after sighing which made your attention turned into him snapping your thoughts facing the reality.

"Come on tell me~" You sing while cheekily giving him a smile

"I like you Chaeyoung-ah."

There he confessed making your world stop for a second, you blink continously hearing those words.

"I like you Chaeyoung-ah." 

It keeps ringing into your mind and your cheeks changed into pinkish-red hearing those words from his mouth, one question pop out your mind.

Is he serious?

"J-Jimin, w-what are you s-saying?" You managed to speak up after his sudden confession
"I like you Chaeyoung." He said with his stern tone

You gulp hearing those words again it makes butterflies fly inside your stomach.

"You want me to prove it then." He said while moving closer to you, closing the gap between you and him.

His face is slowly coming to yours, approaching your face. Both of your eyes are locked into each other. While he broke it by looking into your lips for a second and meeting his eyes again into yours.

He licked his lower lips seductively and your heartbeat can be heard loudly. Your heart is about to explode same as him.

Both of you were nervous by each others contact. His hand approached your cheeks caressing it gently which made your cheeks redden twice than earlier same as your heartbeat.

You bit your lips calming yourself down, to bad that made Jimin want to kiss you so bad.

He quickly crashed his lips into yours not wanting to waste any time anymore, one of his hands were sneakily put into your waist deepening the kiss while his other hand is one your cheeks caressing it gently. 

Your hands moved by itself into his well-defined abs going up to his broad chest and his wide shoulder into his slender neck wrapping both of your arms into his neck pulling him closer to you.

As the kiss ended both of you are catching your breaths, resting into each others forehead while he's arms arm protectively wrapped into your waist not wanting to let you go as you did the same.

"You answered the kiss, it means you like me." He teased you while stucking his tongue out
"Whatever." You said looking away pulling yourself back together

"Aigoo, baby pasta don't be mad~" He cooed while wrapping again his arms into your waist before giving you a peck into your cheeks

"Who told you to call me baby?" You asked him raising one of your eyebrows pretending to be mad but deep inside your melting already

"What do you want me to call you? Babe? Jagi? Jagiya? Yeobo? Honey?" He asked you with many nicknames while you just stared at him, too shy to speak up.

"Aigoo my baby pasta is shy." He said while ruffling your hair then you pinched his cheeks

"Are we together now?" You asked him while blushing which made him laughed showing his crooked teeth and killer eye smile

"Park Chaeyoung will you be my girlfriend?" He asked you while the corners of his mouth lift upwards.

"I would love too~" You answered him and he gave you a hug resting his head into your crooked neck which made you inhaled his sweet addicting scent

I've been waiting for this day, Jimin.

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