3 | t h r e e

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the next day, i woke up later than usual. there was no josh stamping
around the house. my mum was at
the shops and dad was probably sat
watching tv. the only sound that
ringed through my ears were the
birds chirping their mid-morning
i jump out of bed and take a
shower. once i was out of
the shower, i opened my draws and
got out a hoodie, some pjama shorts
and a pair of ankle socks and got
i walk down the stairs typing a message to the groupchat but before I can send it, the sound of my dad's deep, rugged voice yelled at me.
" tessa! stop being a useless pile of sh.t for once in your life and do the washing up! " he yelled before turning back to the football (soccer) game on the TV.
my eyes glanced up at the
sink to find a huge stack of washing
up. i turned to my dad and looked
at him in shock as if he was
joking whilst walking towards
the sink.

i turned the tap and waited for the sink to fill with water. as soon as the water had ran and the soap was in, i heard the ratling of keys and the front
door slowly open.
" hey i'm back from the - oh tess. no need to do the washing up. i will do it later. " she said smiling at me
and placing the shopping bag and
keys onto the kitchen counter.
i smiled at her and went to the cupboards to have breakfast and
grabbed a spoon and my jar of
nuttella. i started to walk upstairs
whilst unscrewing the lid and took a
heaped spoon of nuttella.



did you get friendzoned?

what? 😶

no. my dad.

no surprise 😒

anyone else notice that harvey was scared when he thought tessa was friendzoned...😏💕


just wait a second...


i slid my phone intl my pocket and walked towards mums bedroom. i knocked on the door lightly and heard the calm voice of my mum call back.
" mum. " i started whilst opening the door.
" tessa. "
" so you know i have some friends that live in the uk... " i start, leading
on the ' uk ' for a few seconds.
" your internet friends? " she asks back.
" yeah. well, if i pay for my ticket, is it possible of I could fly over to the uk for a while in a few weeks? "


this isn't great but it is just a filler chapter. the next one is just a message one and then i think it is a normal story kind of thing. i'm not sure but hey ho.


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