Chapter 4: On Deck

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Riku slept soundly on his makeshift bed, an arm was hanging off of the side of the wooden plank as the sailor snored. The sound of the creaking floorboards grew louder as a figure approached the metal bars of Riku's cell before unlocking the door with a small silver key, and throwing the door open with a loud clang. Waking up the drowsy sailor with a jump. 

"Rise and shine! Mister Riku!" boomed a jolly voice. Riku rubbed his eyes and looked up to see a tall and lanky man. He wore a green bandanna and a matching green vest over a white shirt, and wore a pair of pants that were held up with a rope. He had black hair and green eyes and seemed to slouch over a bit. But over all he seemed to be a pretty jolly and carefree guy. Unlike Donald.

"Did ya sleep well?" asked the man, "Yup. Well, as soundly as I could at least." replied Riku. Before getting off his bed and putting on his boots.

"That's good to hear!" responded the jolly pirate. Suddenly the sound of footsteps could be heard stomping their way to the lower deck, 'That doesn't sound good...' thought Riku. The taller man seemed to pay no mind to the little distraction and kept on talking. "Now there was something I needed to tell ya once I let ya out. But I can't seem to remember what that was exactly."

Immediately, the door to the lower deck was swiftly slammed open revealing Donald, who seemed to be in a particularly sour mood today. He stomped over to the taller sailor who seemed to still have not noticed the short buccaneer enter the room. 

"GOOFY!" shouted the raspy sailor. The taller man quickly stopped talking and looked down to see Donald, who had his arms folded and tapping his right foot in frustration. 

"Oh! Good morning Donald!" Replied the jolly man, with a bright smile on his face. "What brings you down here?"

 "Goofy, what are you doing? The captain told you to just get the prisoner! Not to have a conversation with him!" Donald squawked. 

"Gwarsh... Sorry Donald. I was just trying to get to know him." 

"Well get to know him later! Riku! Get to the main deck, the Captain would like to speak to you." Donald ordered, before walking away. "Come on Goofy lets go." 

"Alright! Bye Mister Riku! It was nice chatting with you!"

"GOOFY!!!" squawked the shorter man.

The two sailors then left the room leaving Riku. Who put his silvery hair up into a ponytail before heading up to the main deck. 

The sun was just barely rising over the ocean casting a beautiful light onto the waters reflection. Riku had no time to admire the scenery, however, and began making his way across the deck to where the brunette captain was standing. The silvernette had soon began to notice that everyone was cleaning, everyone but captain Sora. Rather, Sora was up on the poop deck barking orders at the other sailors before quickly noticing Riku.

"Good morning mister sunshine." Teased Sora, a smug smile stretched across his face as he planted his hands onto his hips. "Morning Captain," responded Riku. "So, what's going on here?" he asked. 

"Isn't it obvious?" replied the captain, "everybody's swabbing the deck from last nights shindig!"

'Figured as much' Riku thought.

"Now, what are you just standing around for!? Get scrubbing!" Called Sora throwing Riku a mop. 

"And don't stop till every inch of the ship is spotless!" the brunette shouted,"I want this place in ship shape before we get to the Land of Departure!" he spoke before waving Riku off.

Riku then picked up a bucket of water that was close by and began cleaning. Time quickly flew by as the young sailor scrubbed and he soon made his way to the second deck.

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