Chapter 8: Tranquility

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Sora held onto the ropes that led up towards the sails and stared out at the vast open sea, taking in a breath of fresh air he let out a hefty sigh of relief. The spray of the sea was cool and refreshing. After all that he'd been through recently it was nice to just be able to relax for once. He gazed at the bright blue ocean, the sun reflecting off the water gave it a bit of a sparkle, which made it look like a large shining sapphire. 

Beneath the captain was Riku, who leaned against the side railing of the ship letting his long silver hair flow in the breeze. A small flock of seagulls flew around the ship overhead, their playful squawks echoed in the air which gave life to the lone ship at sea.  

Suddenly Riku's voice broke the calm serenity. 

"It's nice to not have to worry so much anymore, right Sora?" The silver haired sailor spoke. 

The brunette was soon snapped out of his trance-like state before he looked down at the man. 

"Yeah, it really is." Sora responded, as he took in another breath of air. "No enemy pirates, no royal princesses to deliver, nothing. It's great." His words drifted off as he let the sounds of the sea around him envelope him in its peaceful embrace before climbing down the ropes. Jumping down onto the deck of the ship with a loud tap. The captain beaming the entire time. 

"Did you have fun?" Riku asked. Sora merely replied with a smile and a nod of his head. 

Soon the duo were approached by Donald and Goofy who gave Sora a somewhat serious look, before asking him if they could talk to him. 


Sora gave Riku a sorry look before saying, "I'll be right back." and followed the two sailors back to his cabin. 

Riku motioned in an, 'It's alright, do what you have to do,' gesture with his hand before Sora walked off with the two men. 


Sora closed the door behind himself as Donald and Goofy stood there, waiting for the captain. The curtains were closed leaving very little light to come into the room the only light coming from a few lit candles scattered around the cabin. Donald had his arms crossed with his brows furrowed, his right foot tapping in frustration. Goofy just looked mildly concerned. Sora's eyes went wide with confusion. 

"So... what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

Goofy looked down at Donald before opening his mouth, "Sora.-" 

"We know you have feelings for Riku." Donald quickly cut the taller man off.

Sora's jaw dropped with surprise. "H-how did you know??" 

"Sora, it was obvious from the first day you met him." Goofy spoke. 

"You've been so lenient with him. Sora, have you forgotten about our main goal?" 

The brunette looked down at his boots, looking like a child who was caught in a mischievous act and is being scowled by their parents, trying to avoid eye contact with the two other men.

"No." he mutters.

"Getting our hands on that treasure is our top priority, got it?" Donald squawked. "We're not telling you that you can't be with him, you can. Just... don't forget why he's here in the first place." Goofy adds. "Okay Sora?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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