1: An Odd Girl

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Authors note:

I'm turning My Hero Academia into a harem. This is the longest chapter I have ever written on Wattpad with 4935 words, (not including this Autors note), and 5018 words including this authors note. I also copied more than half of the dialogue from the fifth episode without a script SO YA'LL BETTER BE FUCKIN' PROUD!!

There is some Greek in here but that is just to make the relationship better.

Koritsaki: Baby girl

Bampas: Dad

Nero: Water



Anahita's P.O.V:

I take in a deep breath, and enter the building, U.A. academy. The most prestigious hero school in the world, and I got in without having to do much. This is absolutely amazing.

At first, I walk very slowly, which turns into a normal pace, then becomes a quick stride, then a slow jog, and I soon find myself running into my classroom. I come to a quick and abrupt stop when I come in the door excited to finally be here.

Which resulted in my face hitting the cold, hard concrete.

I hear a deep voice laughing at me as I got up and dusted off my uniform.

"Haha, loser!" A hedgehog laughs. I recognized him as the boy who got attacked by the sludge monster! Poor muffin.

"Well at least the world doesn't now see me as an explosive victim who will never be able to protect himself." I replied.

"What did you say to me, heterochromic bitch!?" He asked as he thundered towards me. Why did he go after my eyes? That's kinda pathetic.

I pointed two fingers at him, he didn't calm down. He'll end up pissing off the wrong person one day.

I look at him as if to say, 'If you don't calm down, then some shit about to go down'.

He didn't calm down. I wait for him to get close enough and I tap his shoulder before quickly backing up.

I concentrate on slowly bringing the two fingers apart so I never caused damage.

"Argh, what the fuck are you doing to me!?" He screamed.

I pause for a second and take my fingers down.

"You know that your body is 60% water, right?" I ask him.

"What the hell does that have to do with anything!?" He's so dumb.

"My quirk is the manipulation and creation of water. Much like Endeavor's quirk, but the opposite element. I can control anything I see fit, or I could drown any living thing. So you better remember to choose your foes wisely from now on. Oh yes, I was also let in on recommendation. Now I've bested you twice. If you know what's good for you then you'll sit down and wait for the lesson to start."

Hedgehog reluctantly sat down in his chair and put his feet on the desk giving me respect which I really wasn't expecting.

A rather attractive guy with glasses and long eyebrows came over as I heard the door open. In the doorway was an adorably nervous looking boy with curly green hair, matching eyes, and freckles.

"Take your feet off of that desk now!" Glasses demanded. "It's the first day and you're already disrespecting academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!"

"You're kidding me, right?! Your old school put a stick up your ass?!" What a dick.

"Ah- Let's start over. I'm Tenya Iida from the Somei private academy." He probably realized he would get no where from bossing him around.

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