Six; Christian's Cold

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Week Three, Tuesday

"Welcome back, Kristoff!"

The trolls cheered delightfully as they began to huddle over to Kristoff, who was already struggling in carrying two, wait - make that three baby trolls on his shoulders. Some of them started poking his face, while the others were attempting to tear at his clothes. Olaf chuckled beside Elsa before waddling over to a stray group of baby trolls who were jumping up and down happily once they saw Olaf approaching.

"I'm sorry. They're usually like this." Kristoff called apologetically to Elsa, who was staying behind, watching Kristoff get raided by the trolls.

"They weren't this sprightly when I was a child." Elsa laughed softly.

While the rest of the trolls were busy with Kristoff and the others were busy with Olaf, a rock with Spanish moss rolled over to her. When it stopped just a few inches from her, it popped open to reveal Pabbie. Pabbie looked around and saw the amount of excitement in the valley upon seeing Kristoff. He shook his head, as if the event was something he'd gotten rather used to.

"Good morning, your highness." Pabbie bowed lightly. "I apologize for this certain phenomena. They're... how should I put this? Rather hyper whenever Kristoff comes back. He rarely comes here anymore, since he's been busy with his ice business."

"I had no idea you adopted him." Elsa smiled. "Kristoff thought it'd be best if I came along after breakfast. He told me you wanted to know my progress with Hans?"

"Ah, yes. He's a smart boy. Come, walk with me." Pabbie said as he went ahead and Elsa followed suit.

They got away from the crowd of trolls only to arrive in a meadow of poppies and dandelions. It was a remarkable view and it was quite relaxing. If she had known a place as such existed, she would have come here countless times just to admire its beauty. A bunny popped his head out of a bush, followed by another head; and with that they sprinted off the bush and began rolling into the warm grass. After doing so, they started chasing each other from afar.

"It's been two weeks since I came to Anna's... well, I suppose you know what I mean." Pabbie started as he plucked a poppy off its stem. "Please do tell, your highness. It'd be a privilege to know what's been going on."

Without much hesitation, Elsa set off into her story. She started the story when Hans came back the next day with his brothers about the trading partner situation. Then, she went on telling Pabbie about Christian, who shares the same powers as her. When Pabbie asked if he knew about it, he simply nodded and barely explained any more of it. Not that she was asking for an explanation or anything, but at least something to clear it up. All Pabbie told her is that Christian had better control of his powers ever since he accidentally hurt Hans when they were kids.

After she told the happenings on the first week, she began bolting into the second week. She told him about the Gratitude Ball and how Hans and Christian stayed in the palace all week the way they did on the first week. When Elsa began with Christian helping her control her powers, Pabbie rubbed his fingers under his jaw, like the story itself is unconvincing to him. But she went on. She explained there was more interaction between her and Hans on the second week. Anyone with two bright eyes can see and understand how the two of them have been "hanging out" as Olaf likes to put it.

The night after the Gratitude Ball, Hans started visiting her office every once in a while to check on the trading system. He'd often report that a certain area of the town needed some specific materials and that some distributions should go over to the farms if Elsa wanted to pay the Southern Isles back with agricultural materials. Henceforth, last week to her whilst being with Hans was quite serious. It mainly focused on the trades and how it's helping the social system of Arendelle move. Hans would constantly perk up a humorous conversation here and there, though. In fact, he even invited her to have a walk with him along the beach of Arendelle, which was now completely thawed thanks to her training with Christian.

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