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    The plain white ceiling of your room was painfully bright as the images behind your eyes began to fade.
As the colours withered to black and then, a lifeless white.
Black, white. No difference between them. Both colourless and dry.
They could never compare to the abundant range of colours you had experienced just a few minutes ago.

You tried to close your eyes again.

You tried to summon every scene, every feel, every voice.
Every colour.

You tried to watch. To feel. To hear.

Just one more time.

It was impossible.

"What were you expecting?" you scolded yourself.

Why had you opened your eyes?
Why had you let yourself believe that this dreamy state would last?
Why didn't you notice the impact of reality that inevitably crashed down the dream with its powerful weight?

As you layed with your hands gripping the soft blanket tightly, with dishevelled hair, with chapped lips and a dry mouth, with a thumping heart, a tear escaped and made it's way down to the side of your face.

But its tingling sensation brought the memory of a touch. A touch of a certain hand, its smooth skin absorbing the tear, lifting a bit the weight of the disappointment.

You lip twitched. Were you smiling?

And then you could see it. The only colour that could return the power in your limbs, so that you were able to hold yourself, to support and believe in yourself.

His caramel eyes were perfectly clear in the wells of your mind, so clear that you could distinguish their outlines through the bright canvas of the white ceiling. Caramel eyes with the honey dripping and fading into the colours of the rainbow. Black and white could no longer withstand the impact of the outburst of colours that overflowed your line of vision.

Maybe I can't touch the sky
Still, I want to stretch my hand out
I want  to run,
just a bit more

dream ᵇᵗˢ ✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora