Love - A Zouis story.

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“Loooooooooou-bear!” Louis looked up at his best friend who was running towards him. Louis started laughing at all the weird looks his curly-haired friend was getting.

“Barry-Bear” Harry made a face at the nickname and kissed Louis on the cheek, which only earned them more funny looks in the buzzing mall. They were going to meet up with Liam, Niall, Eleanor and Danielle here, before having breakfast at Starbucks.

“Where is everyone?” Louis said as he put his hand around Harry. Harry only shrugged and started looking around for their friends. Louis also started looking around trying to see if he spotted any of the lads or girls. When he spotted a mop of blonde hair, he grinned and yelled as loud as he could. “Over here, Leprechaun!”

Louis laughed when he saw Niall looking around trying to find the location of the person responsible for the yelling. Of course Niall knew who it was from. There was only one person who would yell something like that in a crowded mall.

Louis felt Harry move away from his arm and toward his blond boyfriend. He sighed. More of their lovey-dovey feelings. Ugh. He loved his two best friends, he really did, but sometimes it was too much Narry (Yes, Louis liked to make up names for couples. He’s got one for every couple he knows of – sue him.) for Louis to handle.

Today would be another day full of Narry and Daniam. He hated it when they would go all coupley on him. It wasn’t as if he had anything against his best friends. He just has something against all the unicorns and butterflies that would suddenly start showing whenever they would blush or giggle at each other.

He sighed again as he watched his two best friends kiss each other passionately. Louis looked around again, not wanting to stand there awkwardly watching their display of affection, and was greeted with weird and disgusted looks. They weren’t directed at him this time, at least.

Louis sighed for a third time and shook his head. It was weird how they were in the 21th century and people still couldn’t accept gay couples. Some people are just too judgmental, Louis thought.

“What’s got you down, sweetie?” Louis turned around and was met by Danielle’s gorgeous brown eyes, which were slightly filled with concern. Beside her stood her boyfriend, Liam, who was one of Louis’ best friends.

“Hey Danielle! Looking as beautiful as ever! How are you, love?” Louis put on his most charming grin and took her hand so he could kiss her knuckles. She blushed and completely forgot about her earlier question.

“Don’t start making me jealous.” Louis heard a light voice say from behind him. He turned around and grinned at his girlfriend. “I would never!” Eleanor chuckled and kissed her boyfriends’ cheek.

Louis cleared his throat and looked around, waiting for everyone to look at him. When they finally did, he clapped his hands together. “Let’s go! I have the urge for some coffee and cupcakes!” Louis started making his way towards the coffee shop, not looking back to see if they were following him or not.


“Man, the line is huuuuuge! We’re never going to get to order.” Louis smiled as the Irish accent reached his ears. “Stop whining, would ya?” But Louis couldn’t say he didn’t agree. The place was packed with people, more so than usual.

Louis was suddenly glad they had told the girls to find a place for them to sit. They wouldn’t probably have found a place to sit if they even got to order. If being the keyword.

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