Chapter 2

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“You’re late, Louis!” Danielle yelled as she saw Louis walking towards them across the parking lot. “Sorry, I had some trouble with the car,” Louis apologized halfheartedly. More like trouble with coming up with a good excuse to why I couldn’t come, he thought.

“Okay, let’s go!” Eleanor said and linked her arm with Louis’ as she dragged him to the ticket stand. Louis only gave her a small smile and let himself be dragged to his doom.

“Welcome to Circus Tony! How many tickets?” A boy with freckles and braces asked with a too-cheery smile. Louis wanted to punch that smile away. He was in a sour mood already, and that over-the-top cheery smile wasn’t helping.

“Six, please.” Liam smiled politely and they all paid for their tickets. “Thank you! Enjoy the show!” Louis glared at the boy before being dragged away by Eleanor again. “Let’s go see if can find the dogs!” Louis sighted at Eleanor. He was starting to believe that she had an unhealthy obsession with dogs. That would at least explain why she had dressed out as one last Halloween, and why her birthdays are always dog themed.

“Since someone was late we don’t have time to look around.” Danielle said and everyone looked at Louis. “Oh come on, I said I was sorry! Jeez, you still get to see them in the show and probably after too, so don’t get your panties in a twist.” Louis rolled his eyes and walked towards the big tent were there was written Circus Tony with big bold letters and to make it even better, there was a big clown’s head hanging over the entrees.

“What’s up with him?” Niall asked as he watched Louis’ back. “He’s just sour because we didn’t go watch a movie.” Liam said. “Don’t worry about it, Nialler.” Liam ruffled Niall’s hair. Niall smiled and started walking towards the entrees. “He’s such a sour loser!” The others laughed and started walking too, trying to catch up with Louis.


“Give a round applause for the wonderful Bellatrix and her horses! Next up, we have Tony the clown for you!” The director said and walked away. Louis quickly stood up. “I need to use the loo! I’ll be right back!” Without waiting for a response he started walking – more jogging- towards the exit. He walked till he found a place behind a building to hide.

“Let’s go to the circus! Why not? What a great idea! Let’s go and see the dogs! And, oh, we just have to go and see the fucking clowns! Everyone loves a clown, right?” Louis muttered to himself as he kicked an empty Coke box. “Bloody hell, why the fuck did I agree on this?” He sighted and slumped down so that he was sitting on the grass with his back against the wall. He rested his head on his knees and breathed out.

“I always thought circuses made people happy, but I guess I was wrong.” A voice startled Louis. He looked up and looked directly into mesmerizing brown eyes. Louis was transfixed by Zayn’s eyes, they reminded him of melted hot chocolate on a cold day. The kind of hot chocolate that made everything okay, Louis wanted to keep looking into them and feel safe for ever.

“You okay? Hello?” Zayn was waving his hand in front of Louis’ face, concerned over why Louis kept staring at him. Louis blinked. “Oh, uh yeah...” Louis answered and looked away in embarrassment, blushing over what he had been thinking.

“Right.” Zayn said, not believing him. “You do know the show is inside, right?” Louis looked up at Zayn and glared.

“I know that; I’m not an idiot!” He said, annoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2012 ⏰

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