Chapter 6: Quirel

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When Harry and Draco got back to Hogwarts there was a new person standin gwith dumbledoor.

"hello everybody!" says dumbledoor cheeringly. "We have a new worker with you all today! His name is quigna Quirel."

"H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-helllo everyb-b-b-ody" said Quirel. He was wearing a turbank.

Nevile glared at Quirel because Nevile was alredy the stuttar one and he feels unstaged. Like he is being raplaced.

"hello Quirel!" says Hermion and she elbows Nevile in the shoulder to let him know not to glare because she doesn't want Quirel to think people hate him.

"h-h-h-hhello H-H-H-Hermion!" says Quirel happy to see a frienly face. "Everyone is alwasy mean to me beacuse of my turban but i can alredy tell that Hogwarts is way difrent."

Dumbledoor "We hired Quirel because of the death eater porblem. New workers might make us look even better as a cafe."

Nevile bursted into tears.

"ICan we call you mr. qui!?" says Fred and Geroge over neveil's crys. They alwasy give evryone nicknames (there nickname for harry was Har.)

"oo-o-o-of c-c-coarse!" said mr. quirel.

Then everyone gave all there furnature to dumbwldoor ND dumbledoor put it inthe room soon the restarant looks so cute with pink snad hello kitty everywere.

"wait....." harry said sadly. " I only bot Draco a outfit. I didnt buy me one." He feels sad . All he has is your pink maid outfit.

Hagrid says "oh harry... you did the rite thing! I knew you would do this because you are such a good persn. Here" he grabs soemthing out of this pocker. "I got a outfit just for you."

Harry opens the outfit. It is a oufit with a panda reading on it and it says "love sweet kitty" on it. (sorry guys teh pic wuldn't load! so i had to describe it. you can see the pic here: )

"Wow hagird!" says Harry happyly. "Really for me!"

"yes says hagrid.

Harry beams at looks at draco "Draco look we both have panda cloths!"

Draco blushse "U-u.................. idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

everyone laughes so hard. "h really is a for real tsundere nya!" says ron

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