Entering The Realm

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The flower snickered as I walked passed it and I saw a house, I knocked on the door and waited.

A goat lady opened the door and smiled, "hello I'm Toriel and you are?" she asked "I'm Mike" I said and dashed inside her ugly ass house, she looked suprised, I ran through all the puzzles and when I got out, I found another soul, this time it was orange, I was suddenly caught in a battle. I don't know what to do. I got hit but stayed my ground I grabbed the soul and the green soul appeared again, I grabbed it as well.

My journey begins now, from the moment Hector picked up the booger to now. I walk around exploring my surroundings, it's cold and I feel like I'm being watched, I turn around and no one was there, "I bet get out of here soon, I'm already sick of this place" I say and continued to walk, I tripped over and fell straight on my face "fuck, fuck, fuck, dammit, ow, what the hell" I cursed.

I walked some more and soon I was out of the cold and I was some place new.

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