Souls awaken

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I sighed and made my way to  bed and fell asleep but couldn't, then I heard whispering.

"Do you think he's going to use us the break the barrier?"

"Should we shoot him now"

"No where are your manners Justice!"


"Guys we need to find the others, they need us"

"Not now Bravery"

I wake to see ghosts, "who are you guys?" I asked. "We're the souls" a green one said "I'm Kindness" the green one said, "I'm Justice" the yellow one said, "and I'm Bravery" the orange one said. "Mike" I say and they nodded. I get green one walked up to me and tucked me in, "rest human, we have a journey ahead of us" Kindness said and sleep took over me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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