Confessions To A Friend

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Cobalt led Optimus to the back so they both couldn't be seen. The darkness shadowed Cobalt's hollow optics.

"So what is it Cobalt," asked Optimus in his usual leader tone that made everything seem like it was going to be alright. "And where is Moon? We need everyone on their servos at a time like this. Megatron is rising in power and rising as a threat to us."

Cobalt hung his head and continued to drag his hind leg which was growing increasingly painful. He knew that he probably should have Ratchet check it out but he didn't want to bother him. He had enough on his plate and apparently so did Cobalt.

Cobalt didn't say anything for a while and to Cobalt's relief he didn't push it. He led him to another warehouse and looked up at his leader. "I've known you for a long time Optimus and you're my best and probably only friend."

"I share your same feelings Cobalt, but why are you telling me this," asked Optimus and Cobalt bit his tongue, feeling grief wash over him once more. He just wished that he could take back the day but he couldn't.

"Just follow me," he sighed as he hauled himself forward, still dragging his hind leg. It was a surprise that Optimus hadn't said anything about his limp.

With the help of Optimus they opened a large door and Cobalt pushed himself in and Optimus followed. "Shut the door," ordered Cobalt. "No one can see this, at least not yet."

Optimus didn't argue and he closed the door and only the lights of Cobalt and Optimus's optics could be seen. Cobalt strode over to a wall and flipped a switch and lights flickered on. They threatened to burn out but they kept on and Cobalt let out a sigh of relief. "Speak quietly."

"Is something in here that I should know about," wondered Optimus as he took a step forward that shook the ground and Cobalt growled but he knew that Optimus couldn't help it. He just continued forward slowly and felt Optimus behind him. He tried to keep his breath steady as fear jolted through his spark.

"Yes," confessed Cobalt over his shoulder as he curled his claws a bit under him. "Just try and be as quiet as possible." He knew that he couldn't stop Otpimus's booming steps but he could at least make him aware.

Optimus tipped his head a bit and Cobalt padded to the end of the warehouse. He shoved his muzzle into a small metallic container with a soft cloth like substance draped over it. He sunk his teeth gingerly into the metallic scruff of a small black and gray Cybertronian. She was about as large as one of Cobalt's paws. He set the Cybertronian in front of his paws and looked up at Optimus Prime, his mouth gaping but he couldn't think of anything to say.

Optimus seemed a bit surprised. He kneeled down and Cobalt lowered down, trying to protect the Cybertronian from the shaking of the ground thanks to Optimus. Optimus lowered and extended a finger gingerly toward Cobalt. Cobalt snarled and arched his back a bit before he relaxing, knowing that Optimus wasn't going to hurt the small Cybertronian.

"Who is this Cobalt," asked Optimus as he touched the small Cybertronian and it turned it's head away, closer to Cobalt.

Cobalt let out a deep sigh. "This is Eclipse. She's Moon and mine's daughter," he confessed as he lowered down and licked her between her metallic ears.

"Daughter," echoed Optimus a bit in surprise before he stood back up and looked around the warehouse, expecting Moon to come charging out. However when she didn't Optimus turned back to Cobalt. "Where is Moon?"

Cobalt hung his head and liquid fell from his eyes and he shoulders shook a bit as he took in a rattled breath that made his chest ache. "She's offline Optimus," he confessed as he licked his daughter once more.

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