Comforting Words From A Friend

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Brisk heard Bumblebee, Ironhide, and Jazz speaking harshly about Jolt behind him and he felt anger pulse though him.

"Some renowned medic," snorted Ironhide as he crossed his arms and rolled his optics.

"How can a medic be so scared of surgery," asked Jazz as he looked to Bumblebee.

"Maybe something happened that he doesn't think he can do it," suggested Bumblebee, the kindest out of the three of them.

"Leave him alone," snapped Brisk as he turned on them. He looked to Cobalt and realized he didn't have a lot of time. "Let me talk to him. He hasn't done something like this in stellercycles."

Before anyone else could argue Brisk surged forward. His paws barely grazed the ground as he continued forward. He sniffed the air and detected the scent of his friend. He turned his head fifteen degrees and saw out of the corner of his optic Jolt pressed against a large container. He drew closer toward his friend and kept his underbelly lowered to the ground, hoping not to startle him.

Jolt was pressed against a crate. His breath came in sudden and abrupt intervals. His optics were wild and unblinking as he tried to take everything in and when he did it overwhelmed him. His servos shook madly and he couldn't calm them down. When he looked at his shaking servos it made him more anxious and he fell sideways, his whole body convulsing. He faintly heard the sound of metal touching metal and knew that someone must have followed him to make sure he was alright. He knew that only one Cybertronian on the planet cared about him enough to check on him, Brisk.

"Jolt," asked Brisk as he drew closer, his optics flickering as he saw his friend in pain and discomfort.

Jolt looked up a bit but was still shaking. "Brisk," he asked although when Brisk spoke it felt like someone was submerging his head in energon.

"What's wrong," asked Brisk as he darted to Jolt's side and helped him sit up. Jolt leaned against the crate to steady himself and when he looked down he felt dizzy and nauseous.

"I don't know," confessed Jolt as he turned and looked away from Brisk. He was embarrassed that Brisk had to see him like this. Brisk had seen him at pretty low times but this was one of the lowest. "I just feel like everything is caving in and there is nothing I can do to stop it. It feels like Megatron himself is grasping my chest so I can't breath and my servos are shaking."

Brisk perked up a bit. "Oh I know what's wrong," he barked matter-of-factly as he wagged his tail. "You're having a panic attack."

"Panic attack," echoed Jolt as he gulped but it sounded like he was more choking than swallowing. "I've never heard of a panic attack."

Brisk shrugged. "Well it's no biological it's more physiological. It's just when you get so anxious that well this happens."

"What do you do for it," asked Jolt as he allowed Brisk to sit beside him.

Brisk thought for a sparkbeat, tapping his tail against the ground to a rhythm. "Well you need to pinpoint what's making you so anxious and why. Tell me what you think." He looked over to Jolt, his optics gleaming. He wanted Jolt to tell him everything but Brisk already knew what was wrong. He wanted Jolt to confess it.

Jolt opened his mouth to answer but nothing came out. He hung his head and felt his shoulders slump. "I don't want to fail," he whispered but it wasn't audible.

"What," asked Brisk as he leaned closer, his ears shoved forward.

"I've failed once," pointed out Jolt as he swiveled his head and he locked optics with Brisk. "My sparkmate and son died because of me and I could do nothing. What if I make a mistake in surgery and kill Cobalt and Eclipse like I killed my family?"

"You won't," assured Brisk as he pressed his head against Jolt's shoulder comfortingly. "I have faith in you."

"You seem to be the only one," Jolt grumbled as he suddenly sunk down and rested his head heavily on his paws, sighing.

"No I'm not," argued Brisk as he nudged his muzzle against Jolt's neck, trying to force him to raise his head. "The others just need a little reminder. You were a great medic and you still can be. You just need to have faith in yourself."

Jolt looked up and let out a ragged breath but at least it wasn't coming in gasps. He managed to stop his shaking servos and when he looked to Brisk he felt a lot calmer. He tensed his shoulders before he hauled himself to his paws, his optics narrowed in determination.

"I can do this," he murmured as he extended his claws and bristled the spikes on his back and shoulder.

"There you go," cheered Brisk as he leaped to his paws and pushed his head against Jolt's shoulder. "I'll be right beside you if you need me to be."

"Thanks Brisk," breathed Jolt as he raised a paw and hit it against Brisk's paw. The friends smiled before they bounded back toward medbay, ready to save two Cybertronians' lives.

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