Set Out to the Manor

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Y/N= Your Name

E/C= Eye Color

F/C= Favorite Color

H/C= Hair Color


"Here are your papers. You are to carry out your mission nice and easy. You cannot come back without this being done (y/n). Understood?" Sam ordered.

You have been working for Sam for several years now. Every apprentice has either quit or never came back. That wasn't a shocker actually. Sam was a very tough guy to work with. Always condescending, cocky, yells constantly, smokes like there is no tomorrow and is always drunk. Kind of reminds you of someone.

You looked at Sam and then to the envelope. "Where am I suppose to find this place?"

Sam looks in your (e/c) eyes and then smiles. "One must look in the folder to find the answers you seek." He gets up and then walks to you. You shiver a bit and kept looking in the chair he was sitting in. He moved your (h/c) hair and then whispered in your ear. "You are one of the better ones. I would like for you to come back." With that he walked out the room.

~Time lapse~

You are in a room, something like a dorm that was provided by Sam. You had posters of your favorite bands and singers on the wall; favorite anime characters as well.

Okay, let's take a look inside this envelope. You pull out the contents and place them one by one on the table. You pull out a paper with instructions, location of the manor and a few pictures of the people that live with in the manor. One was a boy that looked very young. Couldn't be older than 13 years old. Name on the bottom of the pictured labeled Ciel Phantomhive. He was your target. Then there was another picture. It was a guy dressed in the suit. Name on the bottom of the picture labeled Sebastian Michaelis. Doesn't even look over 30 years old. Looking closer at his eyes in the picture, you notice a tint of red in his eyes. It put you on edge but only for a second. You took the folder and packed it into your (f/c) bag. You pulled out a chest from your closet and took your favorite blade, along with the rest of your stealthy gear. Then proceeded to pick your favorite black clothes...well the only black clothes you wear when carrying out a mission.

You head down the stairs and there is Sam. He looks up at you with a crooked smile on his face. He looked like he didn't want you to leave. He talks once you are completely down the stairs.

"This place is going to empty once you leave. You know that." His breath smelled faintly of alcohol.

"You always have my number. It'll take me a few days but I'll be back to have some drinks with you." You looked at his dark green eyes. His eyes looked glossy but full of sorrow and sadness. You almost felt sorry for him.

"I never got to-" You didn't want to hear the rest of it. You kissed his cheek just to shut him up. You opened the door and wave goodbye. There was a slight stillness as Sam grabbed your arm and turned you around.

"Please come back." He let go of your arm and turned around to go back inside.

With that, you set on foot to the Phantomhive Manor....all the way in the outskirts of London, predominantly hidden away.

Next chapter in a few days. Will y/n make the trip without dying? Can she befriend Ciel and Sebastian long enough to kill them? Where will her heart really take off? Stick around to find out what happens!

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