Unwelcoming Welcome

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h/l= hair length

h/c= hair color

f/f= favorite fruit

f/s= favorite scent

y/n= your name


"It's so hard to see in this fog." You said to yourself. You took a stop to drink some water. (Really not a good idea...what is this a horror movie?) Then you took the paper with a scribbled down note out of the bag and held it.

The address has remained hidden for years but once you are in the thick of the fog, head East for 20 clicks and then remain North until you see a road and what looks like a well. You shall then find the Manor. Be careful, he....the butler (if you can call him that) can sense you. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Keep it quick and simple. Report back when you have finished the job.

You walked 20 clicks East as Sam scribbled in the note. Then walked North as well. The fog gets denser and it becomes hard to see.

"Damn it. I hope I'm going the right way. My flashlight barely works." You whispered to yourself. You looked in your bag to see if there was a brighter flashlight. You heard what sounded like footsteps that were not your own. (Raggy, I'm scared....wait wrong show) You shown your light where the footsteps were coming from (Do I really need to say it? I know you're all thinking it) . Nothing was there.

"Oh hell no...." You thought to yourself. You tied your (h/l) (h/c) hair into a messy bun. *If your hair is long, it's a ponytail. If it's actually medium, then it can still work as a ponytail. If it's short, then you just leave it alone.* You picked up the pace and eventually see what looks like a well. You get closer...to notice it's a damn water fountain.

"Did Sam send me out on a death mission? I swear, if anything happens to me...." You froze in silence and immediately turned off the flashlight. It got incredibly cold. You feel something isn't right. You knew where your blades were and how to grab them if necessary.

Down in the distance, you swore you saw a pair of eyes staring at you. You only hope it was a dog or a cat but the eyes changed from a light yellow to red. You didn't want to move in case of being detected but didn't want to die where you stood. It was only for a minute but the eyes disappeared and darkness returned and the fog became normal.

"Sam I swear you're gonna pay for this." You murmured as you kept walking ahead. There was nothing more than fog. You were afraid you were in the wrong place. You can see what looks like a faint silhouette of a house on the far end of where you were headed.

"Oh thank goodness. Okay, let's get this over with". You whispered to yourself. You took a medium sized blade (your old favorite blade, gets the job done; something close to a butterfly knife) and put it in your ponytail. *If you have short hair, the knife goes in the base of your bra.* There is a tree you spotted out of the corner of your eye. You go to climb it. There is a window that one of the branches is close to. You inch your way to the window and lucky enough, the window was open. It looked like it was some sort of bedroom.

Sebastian's P.O.V

"Today's Tea is (insert fancy imported English Tea and expensive dessert here)." I said to Ciel and handed him a tea cup. He doesn't always like the tea I get him. It's not like it's shitty tea or anything. But I do my best to accommodate him in anyway. I have been bound to him and made a pact with him ever since that day. I never bring it up unless necessary.

"Hey, Sebastian. Pay attention, we have a visitor." Ciel sounded nonchalant.

I peered to the window and a girl is standing at the ledge with her hand in her (h/c) hair. She moved a bit quick and moved behind where Ciel was sitting and held him in a choke hold, with a blade in her hand. His eyes were wide, not from fear but from someone other than me or Elizabeth touching him (Wow, that couldn't sound worse....could it?)

"Ah, Sebastian. Get rid of her this instant." Ciel ordered.

"Yes, my lord." With a blink of an eye, I was behind the mysterious girl. I made her release her grip and made the room dark (I turned the lights off....tbh). I hit what was known as a "weak spot" and she collapsed on the floor.

"Put her in the guest room...make sure she doesn't leave without playing a game with me first." Ciel ordered again and sat back down in his chair. I looked at him..like how is he not phased? "Well, what are you waiting for?" He sounded irritated.

"As you wish." I picked her up, and took her to the guest room as requested. I laid her on the bed (Don't get any ideas yet....not up to that for another few chapters). Her hair smelled like (f/f) or (f/s) (Except Durian or Sour-sop....anything that smells rotten). I left the room before anything could happen. I looked at her before I closed the door, and she was still unconscious. And she thought she could kill him. I let out one last breath before I had to set up for the actual meeting.

Damn it Sebastian, it wasn't suppose to be you first. Ugh, anyway...what game does Ciel have in mind for y/n? Will it be deadly, fun, outrageous or much more deadly? Will Sebastian be around for round 2...I mean around in chapter 3? Will the three Musketeers show up soon? Find out in the next chapter!

P.S. If you don't get my references..please just ask :D

He Was The One (Sebastian X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz