Part 18 - Saying Bye To The Kids As They Leave is Hard :(

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Monday, 11th of December, 11:30am, At Alvin and Brittany's House
Just over a month later, the school trip had come around
Over the past few weeks, Musharna Coco and Emma had been shopping for clothes with Brittany
Meanwhile Peter and Lucas had been at home playing games with Alvin like Mario Kart on the Wii
However, today was the day of the school trip so that meant everyone had to finish packing and make it to school on time for the coach
"Come on Musharna, what's taking you so long?" Asked Coco
"Sorry girls, I just want to make sure I have everything I need to take with me" replied Musharna
"Well you can't take Pot Noodles, so they will have to come out of your bag" Coco pointed out
"Why can't I take Pot Noodles? they will be nice to have while we are away" asked Musharna
"We don't have a kettle in our hotel room" said Coco
Coco then looked over at Emma and she was still packing too
"What is taking you so long?" Coco asked Emma
"I don't know which book to take with read on the coach" replied Emma
"Why don't you take that one" suggested Coco pointing to a book
"Ok, I will do" replied Emma
After 15 minutes, all three girls had finished packing and were downstairs
They went into the living room and saw Peter and Lucas on the sofa watching TV
"Have you two packed yet?" Asked Emma
"Yea we did that this morning" replied Peter
"It took us about 10 minutes at the most" replied Lucas
"Oh...right" replied Emma in a surprised voice
"Boy's! Girl's! Ready to go!" Shouted Brittany from the kitchen
"Yea we are ready!" Replied Emma
"Coming Mum" called Peter
The five of them grabbed each of there bags and went into the kitchen
"Your Dad has just gone to the post office, but will meet us at school before you all go" explained Brittany
"Yay, I'm so excited for this school trip" called Musharna
"I'm excited...just a little sad that you and Dad are not going with us" said Peter
"Aw don't worry about us Peter, you will enjoy yourself" said Brittany with a smile
"Let's get going then" called Lucas
"You sound excited to go" said Emma with a giggle
"I'm not excited...I just can't stand all this talking" said Lucas making his way outside
"I think he is quite excited about the trip" Coco whispered to Emma
With that, Brittany and the kids all started walking to school
12:10pm, At School
Brittany and the kids had just arrived at school and there was a group of parents and children
"Wow, there is quite a lot of people going on this school trip" called Coco
"Well the teacher did say about 50 to 60 people were going" said Lucas
"65 people to be exact" Emma jumped in
Lucas glared at Emma, but a smile appeared when he saw Alvin behind her
"Oh, hi Dad" called Lucas
"Hi everyone, I made it just in time" said Alvin
"I'm glad we got to say bye to you both before we left" said Peter
"Me too" called Musharna
A coach then came around the corner and all the kids cheered
"Omg, the coach is here!" Shouted Coco
"I can't wait to get on it and go to Paris" called Peter
Kids started getting on the coach and Alvin and Brittany knew it was time to say bye
"Ok, bye everyone...hope you all enjoy yourselves on the school trip..." Started Alvin
"And try not to worry about us too much" finished Brittany
"Thanks Mum and thanks Dad" called Emma
Alvin and Brittany said bye to there kids and gave them all a hug
The five of them then passed their bags to the teacher to put on the coach, then the five of them got on the coach after
"I don't want them to go...I will miss them all so much" said Brittany starting to cry
"Don't worry Brittany, our kids will enjoy themselves and they will be back home before you know it" replied Alvin
As the five kids got on the coach, Emma saw Jimmy and just looked the other way...hoping he wouldn't notice her
The five of them all found somewhere to sit on the coach and were now waiting for the coach to set off
Once everyone was on the coach, lots of parents were waving bye to the kids
Alvin and Brittany's kids shouted bye to Alvin and Brittany as the coach was leaving and Peter started to cry a little too
"Aw cheer up, I'm sure you will have a great time on this trip...especially with us been around" said Emma in a caring voice
With that, the kids were now off to Paris for the school trip
Also, for the first time in there life they going away for a few days without there parents
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked and enjoyed this part. Do you think Brittany will be fine at home without the kids been there? Do you think Alvin will look after her and keep her mind from worrying?
Also, do you think the kids will be fine for a few days without there parents? Do you think Emma will take care of Peter and make sure he is happy and having a good time on the school trip?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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