Part 28 - Sadly, It's Time To Go Back Home :(

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Friday, 15th of December, The Next Day, 10am, At The Hotel
It was the end of the school week and the school trip to Paris had come to an end
Everyone was downstairs in the cafe of the hotel, talking to each other and having breakfast
Coco Musharna and Peter didn't want to go back home they had enjoyed it that much in Paris...but they knew they would have to leave Paris soon and they had missed there Mum and Dad
Emma and Lucas had enjoyed Paris too but they were ready to go home now
Just then, Mr Cooper spoke up
"Ok everyone, after you have finished your breakfast you need to start packing....we leave at 11:30am" called Mr Cooper
"I can't believe we are going home today..." Said Musharna
"Yea I know, I have really enjoyed this school trip" said Coco
"Me too" said Peter
"Have you two started packing?" Emma asked her brothers
"No not yet" replied Peter
"Are you kidding me? We started our packing last and we have got everything ready to go now" said Coco
"You can't have packed all your stuff already" called Lucas
"Well, we have packed most of our stuff not all of it" replied Emma
After the five of them had finished eating, they left the cafe and all went for the lift
Once the lift arrived, the five of them got inside and Emma spoke up
"Ok shall we all meet downstairs at reception at 11am with our suitcases packed and ready to go?" Asked Emma
"Yea that's fine with us" replied Peter
"I guess 45 minutes or so is enough time to pack" replied Lucas
The girls got out of the lift and went to there room and the boys did the same once the lift had gone up a few more floors
"Do you think it will take us long to pack?" Asked Peter
"No, not too long...all you do is throw all your clothes in a case. It's a lot quicker then unpacking" replied Lucas
45 Minutes Later, 11am, At Reception
Peter and Lucas got out of the lift with there two chipmunk size suitcases and met there sisters
"I'm actually a little shocked! I thought you two would be late" said Musharna in a surprised voice
"No course not" replied Lucas
"It only took us about 15 minutes to pack" said Peter
"So you didn't fold your clothes up then?" Asked Coco
"What's the point, they will only get washed when we get home" replied Lucas
Just then, Mr Cooper came back inside the hotel and spoke up
"Ok everyone! Listen up! The minibus is here but don't all run out like caged animals that have just been let free, please get on the minibus in a sensible manor!" Shouted Mr Cooper
"We better get on the minibus now if we want to all sit together at the back" called Coco
"Yea your right, let's get going" said Musharna
The five of them grabbed their suitcases and all made there way to the minibus
They handed there suitcases to the driver and all got on
Luckily, the back row wasn't taken so the five of them all sat together at the back
"Do you think this minibus will drop us all off at our houses?" Asked Peter
"Don't be stupid, that would take forever" replied Lucas
"This minibus will take us to the ship and then one more minibus after the ship back to school" explained Emma
"Oh right...then Mum and Dad will pick us up?" Asked Peter
"Yea that's right" replied Emma
"Will be great to see Mum and Dad again, we haven't seen them for nearly a week" called Coco
"Same here, I hope they like the gifts we bought them" said Musharna
"I'm sure they will do" Emma jumped in
After 10 minutes or so, everyone was on board and the minibus set off
"I wonder if we will stop at McDonald's or something on the way to the ship" called Lucas
"We might but I wouldn't get your hopes up incase we don't..." replied Emma
"If we don't them we can just ask Mum and Dad if they will take us" said Peter making his brother and sisters laugh
"What? Was it something I said?" Asked Peter
"Yea a bit, Mum and Dad don't like us going to McDonald's...they said its bad for our health and stuff so asking them will definitely be a no" explained Coco
After a long journey, the minibus made it to the ship and everyone on the minibus cheered
"We made it to the ship!" Called Musharna
"Finally! That felt like forever we was traveling!" Shouted Lucas
"I won't tell them yet...but we have another minibus to catch after the ship...they will be pleased about that, not" Emma thought to herself
With that, the five of them all grabbed their chipmunk sized suitcases and went onboard the ship
Hi everyone, thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked and enjoyed this part. Do you think the five of them will be happy to see their parents, Alvin and Brittany? Do you think Alvin and Brittany will like the presents that Musharna and Coco bought them?
What do you think the five of them will do when they get picked up? Do you think they will tell Alvin and Brittany what they have done in Paris?
Let me know what you think in the comments below 👇
Just want to let you all know, am going to be out all this week till Saturday so won't be able to write or update this book now till Sunday at the earliest but will try to update again on Sunday 🤔
Thank you all so much for your patience, I really do appreciate it 😇
Also, If you liked this part don't forget to 'Vote' and leave a happy face/emoji in the comments below too 👇
Thanks again for reading everyone, I will update again as soon as possible 😋

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