P r o l o g u e

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He sat silently on the edge of his bed, peering through the window into the dark night. Tears rolled down his cheeks falling into his lap. His hand covered his mouth to muffle the sobs that wrecked his body. A pain shot through his heart as his conscience yelled at him, "why are you so worthless?"

His sobs grew louder and his body shook at the force of it.

"You're pathetic, you know?" His conscience reminded.

"I know," he whispered.

"You're an appalling sight to see," his mind carried on, ignoring the boy's whisper.

"I know," he repeated.

"Nobody has ever nor will ever love you," it continued.

"I know," the words were uttered so silently his chapped lips barely moved.

"Good, then you also know that you shouldn't cry," the voice sneered. "You look like an attention whore."

"I'm sorry," he sniffled, wiping his tears but every time he brushed one away, a new one replaced it.

The voice made a noise of disgust but otherwise kept silent. And slowly, slowly the boy's sobs lulled him to sleep.


I know the prologue is quite short but I hope you guys liked it.

I just want to point out that the boy/Aydin does not have schizophrenia. The 'voice' talked about is just his conscience (like our conscience sometimes tell us- well I'm assuming everyone has that because if I'm the only person whose conscience speaks to them this is gonna be awkward).

Aaannny who, please vote, comment. Any feedback is welcomed.


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